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It’s Not About Your Qualifications…It’s About Your Qualities

Let me paint you a picture today…a 19-year-old, high school dropout, wearing a hot pink fluffy dress with a big ol’ black plastic belt, sporting a really “interesting” perm and zero experience, shows up for a job interview! You got that image? The position she was applying for? A high-end, custom decorator position with a major department store chain. Okay, you can stop laughing now…that “unqualified” young lady actually got the job! AND went on to become the top decorator in the company, setting sales records company-wide. Was she “qualified”…was she “educated”…what on earth did she bring to the table? She was teachable, she was willing to work hard and she wanted to be a part of that team! Are you that “unqualified” candidate afraid to even apply for a job or promotion?

Tune in to The Dani Johnson Show as Dani provides motivation for every single individual who lets their “qualifications” or lack thereof stand in the way of their dream job!

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