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Are Your “To-Do” Lists Cluttering Your Life?

Nothing makes someone feel more honored and validated than being heard. And by heard, I mean really listening to someone. Not half-listening while checking things off your to-do list.

Good morning! It’s a brand new month and in addition to our regular chat this morning, I’ve also got something new starting today! Now, you can WAKE UP with me through these daily posts and my BRAND NEW SHOW!

So let’s kick this Monday into gear and discuss one major thing that can actually affect your career, your relationships and your overall happiness in life. It has the potential to position you for either massive success or huge problems, depending on whether or not you master this single skill. (So, I highly recommend applying the principles I’m about to share with you.)

No matter who a person is, or what their personality type might be, every single human being on this earth wants to be heard. Nothing makes someone feel more honored and validated than being heard. And by heard, I mean really listening to someone… not half-listening while checking things off your to-do list.

You’re probably saying, “Okay Dani, that’s great. But what does that have to do with my life and career?” Are you kidding me? It has EVERYTHING to do with EVERYTHING! It has everything to do with your personal and professional relationships. It has everything to do with your family, your finances, your business, your LIFE!

Think about that conversation you had with your spouse this morning, or your best friend, or even your coworker or boss. As they were talking, were you thinking about what your next statement would be? Were you thinking about what you have to do later today? Were you maybe just running through a list of things you felt were more important than what that person had to say?

It’s really all about truly honoring people. You see, true leadership requires you to become genuinely interested in other people. It’s not about just being “nice” to people so you can get what you want out of them. (That’s manipulation, and that will never lead to success.)

We are ALL guilty of this. Multi-tasking is so commonly accepted in society it even splits your train of thought! As you are “listening” to someone else talk, you are often still thinking about what you’re going to say next, the 15 things on your To-Do List for that day, and what you’re going to cook for dinner tonight – all at the same time!

The truth is, it is more work to NOT listen. When you don’t listen, you actually create problems. And it takes more energy and time to solve those problems. I once heard someone say something that really stuck with me, “I’m never too poor to ‘pay’ attention!” Time is just one of your many resources, along with money and talents.

So today, focus on truly listening to other people. When others are speaking, give them your undivided attention. Clear your mind and really focus on what they are saying. Resist the urge to chime in and give your opinion. You will be amazed by how much more you will hear! And you will begin to see more opportunities, more promotion and more harmony in your business, career and relationships.

Listening is obviously not a skill you pick up naturally. It is one you must practice to master. But can you imagine if you learned this skill as a child? Can you imagine if everyone in your school, office, family or community knew this skill? Wow! What a different culture this would be!

Become a wise steward of your time by honoring what others have to say. You can also forward this link or post it on your social media! Let me know your thoughts on time as an asset and a form of honor, so please leave me your comments below!

Start your day off right this morning and listen in to The Dani Johnson Show at its new time of 7 am, or on demand on your own time! You can tune into the show on either your TV or radio and please remember you can always stream today’s show right on our website.

In great faith,

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