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Forget “7 Habits”…Focus On This ONE To Be Highly-Successful!

All successful people have certain characteristics in common. But, one thing I have noticed is...highly successful people have a very unusual way of dealing with issues arising in their lives! Do you?

I have been studying people for over two decades… watching people and paying attention to their words, their actions, their habits, what they respond to, and what makes them tick.

As I have studied and analyzed people through the years, I have found certain characteristics all successful people have in common. (And there are characteristics all unsuccessful people share, as well.)

One thing I have noticed: highly successful people have a very unusual way of dealing with issues arising in their lives. When something goes wrong, when an idea doesn’t go according to plan, when they make a mistake – they do not freak out! They do not get offended. They do not dig their heels in and refuse to move forward. They do not quit.

They take personal responsibility.

The reality is, sometimes things go wrong. It happens. It’s inevitable! Your prospects change their mind about getting involved in your business. Your client decides to take their business elsewhere. You lose your job. Taxes get raised and your paycheck suddenly drops. You find out someone in your office is gossiping about you, behind your back. Your children get into trouble at school. You get into an argument with your spouse.

What is your response? How do you react? Do you get offended? Do you blame your prospects? Blame your clients? Your boss? The government? Your coworkers? Your kids? Your spouse?

Stop blaming other people. Stop getting offended! That behavior demonstrates extremely low levels of both leadership and maturity.

A highly-successful person KNOWS taking offense does not help them to succeed. It does not provide opportunities for them. Highly-successful people know that taking offense severely limits their opportunities.

You see, when things go wrong, you have a choice to make. You can get your panties in a wad and throw a 2-year-old’s temper tantrum… or you can choose to be a mature adult and take responsibility.

Taking responsibility means you do not wait for someone else to do something for you or to make things right. It means you take things into your own hands and make things happen.

I have to tell you, I truly believe anything is possible. There is always a way, always a work-around. But if you get offended and throw a fit every time something doesn’t work out, you will never find the solution!

Bottom line: If you take offense, you lose opportunities. If you take responsibility, you maximize opportunities. One keeps you stuck, the other positions you for massive growth.

So which one are you? Will you take offense, or take responsibility?

I can’t wait to see what you do with this. As I have studied people over the last two decades, I have seen many very successful people who know this very simple, yet very effective, strategy. I believe you can be one of them. It’s so simple… all you have to do is follow directions! Please share your thoughts on this with me on our social media sites.

In great faith,

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Your Journey To Freedom Starts Here

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