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Spring Into Fun…With These 4 Fresh Ideas!

With a little imagination and planning, you can have the most enjoyable and affordable springtime fun ever...while bringing your family closer together. Your options truly are endless!

Spring has sprung – time to put away your coats and winter blues and enjoy the sunshine! Back in our day, this meant staying outside until dark, running, playing and riding bikes. These days, most kids stay cooped up inside, even when they don’t have to! Instead of exploring and going on adventures, you’re more likely hear the words every parent dreads: “I’m boooorrrrrred!!!”

While some parents plop their kids in front of the TV or video games after school, or dig deep into their wallets (or swipe the credit card), to keep their kids entertained, consider some other ideas to encourage springtime fun for the whole family!

And the good news is, this doesn’t have to break the bank! In fact, with a little imagination and planning, you can have the most enjoyable and affordable springtime fun ever… while bringing your family closer together.

Here are just a few ideas to get you started on the right track. Remember, your options truly are endless!

  • Turn off the TV! Enjoy the beautiful weather, instead. Go on a hike, visit the zoo, camp out in the backyard, or head out to a public pool. You’ll have more fun exploring and getting some fresh air, than you ever would parked in front of a TV!
  • Find inexpensive and/or free activities in your area. Attend sporting events or concerts. Find local festivals, celebrations or neighborhood parties. Host a spring-themed potluck or a “Bring Your Own Meat” BBQ. Invite the neighborhood kids for a water balloon fight, create an obstacle course or stage your own Backyard Olympics.
  • Give the kids a chance to learn entrepreneurial skills by setting up a lemonade stand or starting a dog walking business. They can even help the neighbors with yard work or housecleaning. This is a great way to teach your kids how to start and run a business, while learning how to manage their time and money.
  • Spend quality time together as a family. Have a Family Game Night, cook dinners together or bake sweet treats with the kids. Spend time really listening to your kids and take this time to learn more about what makes them tick. When your kids look back on this season of their lives, these are the things they will remember.

Are you catching what I’m saying?? There are tons of ways to be fun and adventurous without spending tons of money!

I would love to know your plans for springtime family fun. How do you plan to make this a fun, memorable and affordable time for your family? Leave your comments for me below!

It would be a great idea to talk with your family about this, as well. Get their ideas. Find out what your kids would like to do. (You may be surprised by their idea of fun!) Pass this message around to your friends, coworkers and people in your community! There’s always room for more ideas for inexpensive fun!

And please join me for The Dani Johnson Show today for more insights and inspiration. You can find the show on your TV and radio and please remember you can always stream today’s show right here on our website.

In great faith,

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