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Winners Don’t Give Up…They Give It ANOTHER Shot!

You WILL make mistakes, fail or're HUMAN! Could be you blew your budget, ruined your diet, didn’t hit your sales for the month, or fell short on whatever…it happens! But, you CANNOT give up!

Have you ever made a mistake, failed miserably, fallen flat on your face or experienced a major loss? Maybe you even feel like you’re in a season of total failure. I hate to break it to you, but guess what? You’re HUMAN!!!

In other words, you will make mistakes, fail and sometimes lose, simply because of your own decisions! You may be in a period where you must suck-up one loss after another. But, the one thing you CANNOT do in this season is to give up! I see people give up so easily. Could be you blew your budget, ruined your diet, didn’t reach your sales goal for the month, or fell short on whatever… it happens!

However, when it does happen, most people go one of two ways. The first just say, “Well, I messed up. Maybe I’ll get it right next time.” The second group stops setting goals altogether, saying, “I’m already behind, what’s the point in continuing to fight? Maybe this is just the hand I’ve been dealt.”

Look, whichever mindset you currently have, it’s time to use any failures to STOP losing and start WINNING.

  1. Don’t get discouraged! This simple – yet, vitally important – idea trips up people all the time. It’s easy to feel beat up, down for the count or like you should just throw in the towel. Instead of having a pity party, try doing something to actually improve your circumstances. Surround yourself with people and things to encourage you, build you up, and spur you on to success. Do not give in to discouragement! Failure is NOT the end! It’s just a bump on the road to success!
  2. Remain teachable! Look at your response to failure. How you react to those circumstances actually defines you! The truth is, no matter how “good” you are, you will never know everything about everything, and you will make mistakes. If you messed up, don’t bother trying to hide it. Don’t bother trying to make excuses for it! When you defend yourself and make excuses for why you did what you did, you definitely don’t come out looking good. You look childish. It certainly does NOT make people trust you or have confidence in you. You must be willing to receive correction, knowing it will make you better! The correction might come from a coworker, a friend or even from yourself – but correction is absolutely necessary in order to achieve any sort of lasting success. Accept it gladly… and LEARN from it!
  3. Make corrections! Once you receive the correction, take action. So often ego gets in the way and you reach a point where you keep trying the same thing again and again, then eventually just give up, saying “WELL, THIS ISN’T WORKING!” Guess what… it doesn’t work because you didn’t made the corrections!

If you believe in the saying “practice makes perfect,” you could be hurting yourself. Practice and correction make perfect! Do you think Olympic athletes don’t consistently refine their techniques, watch videos of themselves AND their competition, all to get better? You KNOW they do! And when they mess up, make a mistake, or even fall flat on their faces, they learn from it, apply corrections, and do it again.

It’s easy to become discouraged, but as long as you stay teachable, correct your errors and refine your processes, you WILL succeed!

I would love to know your thoughts about The Daily Fix today. How do you deal with failure? Are you in it, to win it or are you ready to throw in the towel? Let me know in the comments below!

And, don’t forget to join me for The Dani Johnson Show today for more insights and inspiration. You can find the show on your TV and radio and please remember you can always stream today’s show right here on our website.

In great faith,

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