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MINIMIZE Your Grocery Budget To MAXIMIZE Your Life!

Do you know how much money you spend monthly on food? Really… do you actually know? The amount spent on food in 30 days honestly SHOCKS or DISGUSTS those willing to look!

They realize if they’d simply budgeted their food at $20 a week per person (like Dani does for her family… and still eat like kings!) they could have taken their dream vacations – multiple times over! For others, it represents causes they could have given to or money to put into savings and investments!

So… are you dishing out your vacation fund at the grocery store? Pay CLOSE attention to this episode of The Dani Johnson Show, as Dani hands you everything you need to feed your family fulfilling, nutritious meals – on a FRACTION of your current budget!

In this episode you will learn:
– How is money a tool?
– How do the small amounts matter?

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