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Before You “Go Big Or Go Home,” Watch This!

Do you have a gift that you truly enjoy that brings you fulfillment? It doesn’t mean you have to turn it into a huge success! Before you “go big or go home,” today’s episode is one to watch!

In This Episode You Will Learn:

    • How to stop the culture of “more” from overcoming your joy.
    • Why doing your best and deeply enjoying the journey should be your primary focus.
    • What life has to offer when you incorporate the present moment into your routine.

Additional Resources

LifeMap To Success – Design the life you want, choose your course, then let Dani Johnson coach you toward your dreams! This incredible training program takes the best moments from Dani’s recent live events and breaks them down into short, easy-to-follow educational videos with clear teaching points. You can set your own learning plan at your own pace. What’s more, each month, you’ll receive fresh, new content to fuel your personal growth and coach you toward your success goals! You won’t get this content anywhere else!

First Steps To Success — Are you ready to thrive and claim a life of enjoyment? Are you ready to have more success in your business or career? How about your relationships or marriage? No matter where you are at in life right now, Dani helps you get unstuck so that you can claim the life of freedom that you deserve.

First Steps To Wealth – Get Dani’s best-selling book FREE of charge (you just pay for shipping). Here, Dani breaks down exactly how she overcame horrific obstacles and applied a few surprisingly simple techniques that took her from a broke and homeless cocktail waitress to a multi-millionaire entrepreneur, author, radio host, and family woman.

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