Have Your 2014 Resolutions Gotten Off-Track?
Take some time to review your goals for the year, refocus, and take a second swing at those New Year’s Resolutions you set back in January!
On this broadcast, listen as Dani shows you the 3-step process everyone goes through to make a decision and what to say when someone says "I can’t afford it," "I’ll have the money later," or "the economy’s bad right now." With this broadcast, you can determine whether or not your prospect is worth the time to convert a “no” into a “yes”. Listen to this Monday Night Strategy Call with Dani Johnson and be on your way to master the money objection!
Topics include:
Take some time to review your goals for the year, refocus, and take a second swing at those New Year’s Resolutions you set back in January!
Find out how you could be denying yourself the opportunity to see all your dreams come true.
Are you like famed “Gone With The Wind” heroine, Scarlett O’Hara saying “Tomorrow is another day…I’ll think about that then”?