If You Take Time To See “Good” – You WILL Find It!
What do you see in your life, your family, your job? Do you see dark clouds…or the silver lining? It’s important to TRAIN your mind to LOOK for the good…because it IS there and you WILL find it!
Birds of a feather flock together. You’ve heard that old adage before, but now you can use it to determine whether or not you’re on the right path for success. Here’s how.
In business, we apply this concept to people by saying that there are two kinds of population groups – the 98% and the 2% – and they flock with their own kind.
The 98% flock is the majority of the population. These are the people who think that they have it all together. They’ve bought into the American dream hook, line, and sinker and have created, as a result, a lifetime of personal debt.
They’ve also fallen into laziness, unhealthy work ethics, lack of vision, and the practice of ignoring the voice of the 2% that’s deep within them. (This voice is within each one of us.) They have become crippled with the 98% virus, which is the voice of mediocrity.
Be careful of this voice! I hear it around me everyday. I see it in practice daily. This voice penetrates our very being without our awareness. It says, “Don’t work late.” It says, “You may not want to try that because it may not work out.” Advice of this kind spreads like a virus contaminating all who listen.
Subliminal messages of the 98% come from every source. It comes from the media, the Internet, and our favorite TV programs. It comes from our friends, teachers, government and business associates. So you have to be on guard. This voice trains the majority to fall in line. It’s used to keep them fearful and afraid to step out and take risks. The 98% virus has been designed specifically for this purpose.
Fearful people are easy to control. Fearful people are buried in their excuses.
“I’d like another job but I’m afraid of leaving this one.”
“What if I accept this new position and find out I don’t like it or I’m not really qualified?”
“Even though the pay is better, I’ll lose my seniority.”
“I’m used to having job protection. There’s no union here.”
Let me tell you something else about the 98% group. It doesn’t matter how many times the stock market or real estate market rises or falls; this flock will be dead or dead broke at the age of 65!
The 2% flock is completely different in every way. This flock has learned to find out what everybody else is doing, and then do the exact opposite. You won’t find them making excuses or being paralyzed by fear. They take risks, and this makes them successful.
So ask yourself: Am I following the mindset of 2% of the population or 98%? Which bird am I flocking with? If you find it difficult to answer those questions, then consider this short survey:
What are your current interests?
What do you talk about with your friends?
What is your favorite TV show or Internet game?
Are you a MySpace or Facebook person?
Do you spend a lot of time in chat rooms and reading blogs? If so, then what do you spend your time chatting about?
Who do you listen to or who influences you?
What are you attracted to and where does that attraction lead?
Taking time to answer these questions will help you determine whether you are on the right path to success or not. It is extremely important to inventory your life and the people you associate with. You may be surprised what you find out.
What do you see in your life, your family, your job? Do you see dark clouds…or the silver lining? It’s important to TRAIN your mind to LOOK for the good…because it IS there and you WILL find it!
So what is wealth, really? What is your personal definition of wealth? So many people live under a grand illusion – and gross misconception – of what they THINK wealth means!
You have to decide, what is more important – getting those new shoes, a flashy computer, a McMansion OR choosing to end your own financial slavery and creating a legacy of financial freedom for your children?