Parenting & Family
Yesterday’s “Lemonade Stand” Goes “Fortune 500” Today!
What can you do to cultivate this new generation of business tycoons?
Did you know that 80% of the world lives on less than $10 per day? And even more shocking, almost half of the world lives on less than $2.50 per day. But the average middle-class American spends $59 each day. Our culture has been referred to as "a culture of excess" – but does that make us a greedy nation? Listen to The Dani Johnson Show as Dani discusses the real meaning of greed, and the impact it has on a nation.
What can you do to cultivate this new generation of business tycoons?
Cultivate relationships with people who will be there for you, to celebrate the good times and to lend a hand during bad times.
Two words: PASSIVE INCOME. Isn’t time for you to start yours?