Faith Always Yields Results!
Push through the “dry spells” in your life and activate your faith for God’s provision.
A widespread groundswell has been hidden, until now. For the first time in history, student loan debt is greater than credit card debt. The statistics are shocking and not limited to only those right out of high school. We go off to college with high hopes and big dreams, but many graduate with major debt and no real direction. So has all the student loan debt paved the way to success or to bondage?
Listen to The Dani Johnson Show and discover the real cost of success!
Push through the “dry spells” in your life and activate your faith for God’s provision.
Too frequently, parents just give up or give in, with the reasoning “I want my child to have everything” or “Kids are just naturally selfish.
Saving money is a nice idea, but like a lot of things, it’s easier said than done.