Shop Your Way To Weight Loss – AND CASH!
Imagine shopping in a completely different way – shopping to drop…to drop those extra pounds you’ve been trying to lose!
How valuable is 25 cents? In your hands, it may not be worth very much. But when 25¢ can buy a life-saving meal for an orphan somewhere else in the world, that quarter has much more value than you realize. It really is that simple to save a life. That’s why actor Stephen Baldwin, talk radio host Kevin McCullough, and America’s favorite millionaire Dani Johnson are teaming up to rescue 2012 orphans in the year of 2012.
"It is imperative to me, my media company, my family, my business partners, and every one I come into contact with to let them know how vital $.25 can be. It can literally feed a meal to a child–who literally–will die without it," said actor Stephen Baldwin.
"I’ve stared into the eyes of orphans in Eastern Europe, West Africa, and Central America, and though the geography is different, the one thing that never changes is how helpless they are to be able to feed themselves," said Kevin McCullough, Fox News Commentator and Talk Radio Host. "Our partners are delivering life healing food…feeding an orphan for an entire year, for just $92–this is how simple it is to save a life. How can we get more people involved? How can we rescue more children? These questions haunt me each night…"
Dani Johnson, co-founder of King’s Ransom Foundation, said, "It is of absolute urgency that we love these kids as best we can. And every single day we will blow cash on the most idiotic things in this world, why can’t we take even ten percent of that and feed children who will die unless we do? Two families have already committed to me that they will raise enough to feed 100 orphans each. I honor them and the children they will feed. But there is much, much, more to do."
That’s why King’s Ransom Foundation is joining forces with the ‘2012 in 2012’ campaign, aiming to feed 2012 orphans in 2012. Not only that, but they have decided to match every donation given through! Cindy, of King’s Ransom Foundation, said, "We never underestimate the power of one, and together we can make a difference and help feed the children. Let’s do this!"
To read more, see the press release that was distributed by GlobeNewsire and published by The Wall Street Journal’s Market Watch! (Note: All quotes in this post were extracted from this press release.)
Imagine shopping in a completely different way – shopping to drop…to drop those extra pounds you’ve been trying to lose!
Take a gut check to know for sure.
Watch as Dani turns to the Bible for answers from the one, true, “big G” God and why it’s time to boldly call out to Him for help!