Self Improvement
Look For "Detours" Around Life’s Barriers
You have 2 choices: Let the barriers stop you in your tracks, or find a way around them.
Stress seems like a natural part of life these days. Whether it’s stress in your financial, personal, or professional life, many people have just accepted it as just "part of life". There is good news, though! Stress doesn’t have to be part of your life! Listen to The Dani Johnson Show as Dani discusses the most common sources of stress, and how you can eliminate them once and for all!
You have 2 choices: Let the barriers stop you in your tracks, or find a way around them.
Too frequently, parents just give up or give in, with the reasoning “I want my child to have everything” or “Kids are just naturally selfish.
Are you ready to stop caring about what the Jones’ have and do?