Dani Johnson At Expolit 2013
This Thursday, May 2, Dani Johnson will be at the Expolit Book Fair in Miami, FL. She will be hosting a live interview to answer questions about her book Spirit […]
Over the past year Dani Johnson in partnership with Stephen Baldwin and Kevin McCullough have been raising hundreds of thousands of dollars to feed orphans worldwide. It started with a goal to feed 2,012 orphans in 2012 and since April, has gone above and beyond that mark! Over the past weekend, Dani herself baked several cheesecakes and auctioned off slices of the cake to raise $113,000 for an orphanage in Belize. Their efforts landed them a mention in Talkers newsletter for December 3rd, 2012.
“XtreMedia Talk Hosts DoGood.com Charts Giving Success. XtreMedia talk show hosts Dani Johnson, Kevin McCullough and Stephen Baldwin began a campaign in April of this year to assist 2,012 orphans with a stated goal of raising $185,000. After achieving the goal in just eight weeks instead of the eight months they had given themselves, they set about creating DoGood.com and partnered with Kings Ransom Foundation to assist orphaned children and others in need.
“Some examples of their success include: In November, Dani Johnson again publicly challenged her listeners to radically help with practical help for victims of hurricane Sandy. In one weekend’s broadcast the Dani Johnson web and radio community (some of whom were directly impacted by the storm) and working with Kings Ransom Foundation raised in excess of $35,000 to aid specific cases whose stories were of particularly tough loss. Over the course of five weeks after Sandy, Kevin McCullough was able to rally listeners to his national daily show to provide aid by connecting volunteers to engineering and contracting, clean-up crews, and miscellaneous needs in excess of $25,000 towards help for churches, communities, pastors, and parishioners in hard hit communities in Brooklyn, Queens, The RockAways, and down the Jersey shore…
“…On December 1, the clients and listeners in attendance at Dani Johnson’s ‘Creating a Dynasty’leadership training weekend raised an additional $113,000 (by auctioning off slices of cheesecake freshly prepared by Dani personally) for the King’s Children’s Home orphanage in Belize that is in need of a new roof for four buildings on its campus. The total cost for the roofing project will run $200k for all four structures.” (From Talkers, 2012)
For those of you who missed the incredible (and unexpected) giving that occurred at Creating a Dynasty, it is not too late to help out.
This Thursday, May 2, Dani Johnson will be at the Expolit Book Fair in Miami, FL. She will be hosting a live interview to answer questions about her book Spirit […]
We’ve just come out of Creating a Dynasty in Florida and are already celebrating here in the office because… Dani Johnson’s “Grooming The Next Generation For Success” hit the top […]
This Monday, May 21st Dani Johnson will be a guest on the radio show, Life Matters, hosted by Mariah Wilde. The show is from 7:30-8:30pm CT on KLGO The Word, […]