What Are The Casualties Of Your Busy-ness?
A staggering 89% of Americans report a problem with that all-important “work-life balance.” Have you found yourself wondering how your lost your footing in life?
Is it a struggle to figure out what makes women tick? Or, more to the point, what ticks women off? Do you live with one (or more women), young, old or in between? Are you daily walking on eggshells trying to make your home life work? Is resentment building inside like a tea kettle ready to whistle? Your household might have unknowingly become a breeding ground for society’s contagious infection.
The side effects of that hidden, growing infection…feeling overburdened and alone, misunderstood, frustrated, or even resentful…might already be showing. Combat society’s infection that is robbing you of peace and intimacy. If you want to discover how to identify and detect this disease, then join the discussion and listen to:
Part 1
Part 2
A staggering 89% of Americans report a problem with that all-important “work-life balance.” Have you found yourself wondering how your lost your footing in life?
This old-school practice never lost it’s power.
Are you like famed “Gone With The Wind” heroine, Scarlett O’Hara saying “Tomorrow is another day…I’ll think about that then”?