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4 Tips For Affordable Summer Fun!

The school year has ended for most children across the nation, and while the kids are overjoyed about their newfound freedom, many parents are not so overjoyed. The thought of […]

The school year has ended for most children across the nation, and while the kids are overjoyed about their newfound freedom, many parents are not so overjoyed. The thought of summer may be exciting for a little while, but soon they will hear the two little words every parent dreads: "I’m booorrrrred!!!"

Some parents will set their kids in front of the TV or video games for a summer full of mind-numbing screen time. Other parents will dig deep into their wallets (or simply swipe the credit cards) to send their kids to camps and workshops and amusement parks and all different kinds of summer activities.

But summer fun does not have to break the bank! In fact, with a little imagination and planning, you can have the most enjoyable and affordable summer ever!

Today I want to give you a few ideas to get you started on the right track. The options truly are endless!

  • Turn off the TV! Enjoy the beautiful weather instead. Go on a hike, visit the zoo, go camping in the back yard, or head out to a public pool. You’ll have more fun exploring and getting some fresh air than you would if you were parked in front of the TV all summer!
  • Find inexpensive and/or free activities in your area. Attend sporting events or concerts. Find local festivals, celebrations, or neighborhood parties. Host a potlock or a "Bring Your Own Meat" BBQ. Invite the neighborhood kids for a water balloon fight, obstacle course, or Backyard Olympics.
  • Give the kids a chance to learn entrepreneurial skills by setting up a lemonade stand or starting a dog walking business. They can even help the neighbors with yard work or house cleaning. This is a great way to teach your kids how to start and run a business, as well as how to manage their time and money.
  • Spend quality time together as a family. Have a Family Game Night every week, cook dinners together or bake sweet treats with the kids. Spend time really listening to your kids and taking this time to learn more about what makes them tick. When they look back at their summer break, these are the things they will remember.

Are you catching what I’m saying?? There are tons of ways to make this summer fun and adventurous without spending tons of money! I would love to know what your summer plans are. How do you plan to make this a fun, memorable, and affordable summer? Leave your comments for me below!

It would be a great idea to talk with your family about this as well. Get their ideas. Find out what your kids would like to do during their break. (You may be surprised by what their idea of fun is!) Pass this letter around to your friends, co-workers, and people in your community as well! There’s always room for more ideas for inexpensive summer fun! You can forward this letter, or post this link on Facebook and Twitter!

And one more thing… I’d love to have you join me tonight for the Monday Night Strategy Call. I spend an hour every Monday night giving you strategies to help you move forward in your business, career, relationships, and finances. Check the sidebar for details, and I’ll ‘see’ you tonight at 9 pm ET/8 pm CT!


In great faith,


Dani's signature

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