Don’t Let An Old Mindset Keep You From New Victories!
Old mindsets will trip you up, hold you back and keep you in a rut. It’s time to say “goodbye” to old mindsets and “hello” to new victories!
You may or may not know this, but outside of being a businesswoman, an author, a speaker, and a nationally syndicated radio talk show host, I am a wife and a mom. We have 5 children and 4 grandchildren. Our oldest 2 kids are married, and our 3 boys are still at home with us.
Today I want to share something with you that is really important and really powerful. Now, as you read this message, you may say, “But Dani, I don’t have kids, so why does this even matter to me?” Believe me… It matters.
When our kids were younger, Hans and I really wanted to impart into them really good values and skills. We wanted them to learn really good people skills like honor and respect. We wanted to impart into them a really good work ethic and the right attitude about work. We wanted them to understand that when you work, you should work with excellence and diligence, and that it is an honor and privilege to work and learn new skills and advance yourself.
I remember the days when our kids were young – we had 2 babies in diapers, and a 5 & 7 1/2 year old on top of that. We were working so hard and so consistently with them to teach them to keep their rooms clean, and things like to pick up their toys, helping with the dishes after dinner, collecting and sorting laundry, and whatever the chores happen to be at the time.
Not to mention having to be a referee all the time, always solving problems, always breaking up disputes. I remember, there were always plenty of opportunities to teach them how to honor each other and what the right response to me when I gave them the next task to be done. And then there was dealing with the attitudes of “Aw, come on Mom, really? UUUUGH!!!”
I remember going, “Oh my gosh! Is this ever going to get easier? Is it ever going to be fun? Is it ever going to be worth it? Am I doing the right thing? Is this even going to work or am I just driving myself crazy for nothing?”
Because of the way we chose to groom our kids for success, we really looked ahead when we dealt with their attitudes at 3 years old, before it turned into an even bigger attitude when they are 13. Then, of course, when they are 23 and working or running a business or whatever they choose to do, they won’t have that same 3-year-old or 13-year-old attitude because they have been groomed with the proper attitude from an early age.
So we knew that how we shaped & formed their attitude around certain issues like people skills, work ethic, and forgiveness would be foundational skills that would prepare them for a real life of success.
We had a lot of great days, but there were also those consecutive days when the kids were going through certain stages, and I was pulling out my hair, wondering if this parenting thing would ever get better.
Well, I have to tell you this crazy story! It happened a couple months ago after we came home from Creating a Dynasty, which is our advanced leadership seminar. All of our kids have been through this training, and our 3 boys actually work at the events now, serving our clients and helping to run the event.
It was the Tuesday after the seminar, and I decided to just take it slow that day. I slept in, had a bath, spent some time reading and praying, and then when I finally came out of my room, our oldest son, Cabe, gave me a big hug and said, “Mom, you did an awesome job this weekend!” He then asked if they could go to the skatepark. He said, “Just to let you know, we have already unpacked and put away our suitcases. We cleaned our rooms and we sorted and started the laundry.”
I’m telling you, my jaw must have hit the floor. All I could think was, “Really??? WOW!” I was stunned! I was looking for the words to say.
I asked, “You even put the suitcases on the shelf in the garage? The laundry room is clean? The sorted clothes are in the baskets under the table? Everything is done???” He said, “Yes! So can we go to the skatepark?”
I had tears welling up in my eyes and I just said, “Cabe, you blow my mind! I am just so blown away that you guys have done this. No one had to tell you to do it. You knew what would need to happen in order for you guys to get to go to the skatepark, and you and your brothers got it done.”
They left, and I was just in tears as I remembered the times wondering if Hans and I teaching them the value of work and the reward of playing was really a good thing. I remembered wondering if teaching them the value of having the right attitude and having initiative was a good thing that would bear fruit. Or if teaching them the right people skills that would help them work together as a team and motivate each other and pull the best out in each other was a good idea.
I was so thankful! This was not the first time this has happened. Every single night after dinner, the boys get up and clean the kitchen. They do it as thoroughly as they can, and nobody has to ask them to do it. They just get the job done. It is such a blessing.
So, here’s how it applies to you, whether you have kids or not. If you are in that place in your life right now where you are working consistently, but still wondering if it will really pay off, if it will really be worth it, my answer is YES! You will see the results you’re after! YES, it is worth it! YES, you need to continue to be consistent!
You can teach your family, your co-workers, your employees, and everyone around you these same principles. These are very important principles that will bring success into their lives. Principles that can bring higher paying jobs or cause them to be highly effective in business. Because when people know how to work with other people and treat their customers with honor and respect, guess what! They will make more money!
This is why it’s so important for you to stay engaged with the kind of messaging that will feed these skill sets. That’s why I’m sending you these daily letters, your Daily Fix. Because I’ve seen the outcome of this. And I want you to experience it as well.
Would you take a minute to spread this message to your family, your office, and your community? This could be the message of hope and inspiration someone is waiting for today, and you could be the one to deliver it to them. Just email this link or or share this post on your social media sites. I would also love to read your comments below!
My friend, do not lose hope! Do not be discouraged! Remember that your consistent efforts will pay off. You WILL see results. Just keep pressing through.
I hope you have a great weekend, and until next time, God bless!
In great faith,
Old mindsets will trip you up, hold you back and keep you in a rut. It’s time to say “goodbye” to old mindsets and “hello” to new victories!
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