Your Forgiveness Is Greater Than Their Offense
Watch as Dani turns offense sideways, equipping you with one simple strategy to spare you from experiencing those ills effects ever again!
According to Time Magazine, a new set of standards for financial literacy will cross the desks of educators across the country. The new standards will establish clear guidelines for what students should know about personal finance. But is this the financial education our nation so desperately needs? Tune in to The Dani Johnson Show as Dani discusses how these new standards will impact our nation as a whole.
Watch as Dani turns offense sideways, equipping you with one simple strategy to spare you from experiencing those ills effects ever again!
Imagine shopping in a completely different way – shopping to drop…to drop those extra pounds you’ve been trying to lose!
Here’s how you can pick yourself up out of that crippling circumstance and declare your War On Debt?