Your ULTIMATE Checklist For Career Excellence!
Today is all about looking at the way you think, act, walk and talk…with a checklist for you to evaluate your own mindset and discover whether you are setting yourself up for success…or failure!
What I want to talk to you about today is something our county is lacking. It’s something the world can’t do without. Our nation was founded by entrepreneurs! And yet, they’re a dying breed. I occasionally hear from clients who are looking to start a home business, and they say to me, “Dani, I don’t know what kind of home business to start.”
So if that’s you… If you want to start a business, get into sales, or just learn a way to build trust quickly and share your ideas with others, I want to speak directly to you today. Because if you have any interaction with human beings on a daily basis, that means you are in sales. You are constantly selling your ideas, companionship, values, and business. So listen up!
If you want to be successful in sales, you have to have successful people skills. Think about the last time you saw a Facebook post where one of your friends went on and on about their product or their new band… How interested were you to read that? I want you to keep that example in your head while I explain the two sides to this coin.
If you’re having trouble figuring out what people want, use this quick cheat sheet of things everyone wants. By simply talking to others and listening, THEY will tell you what they want and how to sell to them.
It would be great to have all people using this cheat sheet to communicate with people. And it would be even better to empower each other to get back to our entrepreneurial roots! Forward this page, post this link on your social media platforms, and let’s help our families, co-workers, and neighbors feel encouraged and inspired.
In great faith,
Today is all about looking at the way you think, act, walk and talk…with a checklist for you to evaluate your own mindset and discover whether you are setting yourself up for success…or failure!
“Little things” can make a HUGE difference in the level of success you achieve…little things like the words you use – and when you use them. You see, even the most simple of phrases can lead to really BIG things!
Do you consider yourself bold? Are you a strong, confident person? Maybe your personality isn’t outspoken or what you would consider “bold,” but when the going gets tough, are you the type to stand strong or take cover?