Happy Chanukah! *A Special Video Message*
I’m sure you’re aware the Jewish festival of Chanukah began last week. Rabbi Natan Alexander shares how this celebration still applies to our lives today!
As you embark on this journey of success, whether it’s succeeding as a parent or a spouse, or succeeding financially or in business, or even how much you can contribute to society, there will be people who will be jealous. I know you have probably heard that before, but I think it’s really important for us to take a deeper look at that today.
Jealousy is something that has come up against you and me our entire lives. And guess what – it will continue to come up against us for the rest of our lives.
Whenever you decide to go and do something unique, different, or meaningful; when you decide that the status quo is just not for you; whenever you decide you don’t want a mediocre family, an average marriage, a ‘normal’ lifestyle, there are people who will hate you for that!
But you have to understand that it has nothing to do with you. It has everything to do with them.
This reminds me of a story I heard once. If you have a bucket full of crabs, there’s always one that’s trying to get out. It’s trying to climb and reach for the top. And you’ll never guess what happens… The rest of the crabs in the bucket actually pull him back down!
You may have people in your life who are trying to pull you down, as you are reaching for a great marriage or a successful business or a promotion at work or even annihilating your debt. No matter what you are trying to do, there will always be those crabby people who will try to pull you back down to what they call reality.
Here’s an example from my own life: I’ve recently made up my mind about food and GMOs (genetically modified organisms) and the crazy, horrible chemicals that are being put into our food supply that are actually causing terrible diseases. The more I’m learning about it, the more upset I’ve gotten, and I have made some major changes in my everyday life. I’ve always fed my family very healthy, fresh food. We don’t do cans or pre-packaged anything. But when I decided to totally go all in on eating GMO-free, totally organic food, I’ve been ridiculed and made fun of.
You could be in a similar situation right now. Maybe you have decided to start a garden so you can grow your own organic food. You’ve decided to go gluten-free, GMO-free, totally healthy for you and your family. You’ve made the decision that you’re not going in the unhealthy, disease-filled direction most people are going in.
When you make a decision to go against the grain, just know there will be people who will not understand what you’re doing. They will misjudge, criticize, and be jealous of you. But that is not on you! That is their problem.
So as you embark on a whole new journey to success, it will provoke jealousy and judgment from other people. But it’s worth it! Because even if you decide not to do something special or unique or different, there will still be people who will misjudge you and be jealous of you! That’s just part of life.
Don’t you dare let somebody else’s jealousy stop you from going after what is in your heart to do! Don’t use their judgment as a reason to shrink back or quit. Those people have been put in your life to strengthen your resolve and to push you closer to your destiny.
You and I are people who are not supposed to shrink back. You are part of an entire community of people who have made decisions to do something different, to be authentic, to be set apart, to go after their dreams. So even when you are being judged and criticized, know that you are not alone!
My friend, you were designed to be unique and authentic. You were designed to achieve your goals, whether that means living a healthy lifestyle, having a successful marriage, giving millions of dollars away to help people in need, making millions of dollars, or taking luxurious vacations. So press forward and stand firm in your decision for success!
I have to tell you, I have seen so many people who have been crippled by the fear of other people’s judgment and jealousy. Do not let that be you, or anyone else you know! We’ve got to stop that in its tracks! And we can start by simply sharing this letter with our friends, family, and co-workers. I’m doing what I can to spread this message. Won’t you help me? Just forward this letter, or post this link on Facebook and Twitter. Together, you and I can make a difference!
I’m looking forward to connecting with you this Sunday night for our nationally syndicated radio show! Tune in at 9 pm ET/8 pm CT and join the discussion!
In great faith,
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I’m sure you’re aware the Jewish festival of Chanukah began last week. Rabbi Natan Alexander shares how this celebration still applies to our lives today!
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