Bible School Stories In The Real World
The Bible has incredible stories of miracles and divine interventions, but do these types of events still happen today?
A lot of people dream of being rich someday. They have this perfect little picture in their minds of how they will live their happy lives with their successful families in their dream house – after they get rich.
Some people live their entire lives talking about this perfect life they will have someday, as they sit and wait for it to happen. Whether they are waiting to win the lottery, or to receive an inheritance from some relative they didn’t even know they had, or they think they’re going to start a business someday and retire as a multimillionaire in a few years, it’s all dreaming.
But there’s something most people don’t know about wealth. It’s something so simple, and it can either work for you or against you. I’m going to tell you exactly what that is, and what you do with it after today is totally up to you.
So tell me, what happens if you break a law? There is a consequence. This is true even if you don’t know the law. But if you follow the laws, you reap rewards.
Let’s talk about the law of gravity. Even if you had no idea the law of gravity existed, what would happen if you jumped out a 14th floor window? Would gravity cease to exist just because you weren’t aware of it? Would you somehow float safely down to the ground? No! Why? Because the law of gravity is in effect, whether you know it or not.
I know you’re thinking, "Dani, what in the world does gravity have to do with success?"
Just as there are traffic laws and laws of physics, there are laws of success. They are principles you must follow in order to create wealth, have successful relationships, get promoted in your job and build a successful business. But if you don’t know these laws, you are likely breaking them. And what happens when you break a law? There are consequences.
The laws of success are just as important as concrete money-making skills. They are the foundation of your success in finances, relationships, business and career, and without this foundation, you will not have long-lasting success.
I am living proof these laws work. Before I learned the laws and started following them, I was a broke, homeless cocktail waitress. I wasn’t even thinking about success or becoming wealthy… I was homeless! I had nothing! But once I learned the laws, I began to reap the rewards that come with following them. That’s how laws work.
Laws are not there to limit you or hurt you. They are there to guide and direct you. Laws are there to help you. Knowing the law of gravity can keep you from jumping out a 14th floor window and plummeting to your death. Knowing the laws of success will help you succeed in every area of your life.
Your dream life will not just fall out of the sky one day. You will not wake up one morning and discover you’re living the perfect life. That will never happen. But if you learn to follow the laws of success, and you work diligently, you will reap the reward.
These laws will lead you to fame and fortune. They will help you fulfill your dreams of helping orphans all over the world. They will help you have a passionate marriage. They will help you equip your children to succeed.
I encourage you today to get these principles working in your favor. Don’t leave your success to chance — follow the laws and create your dream life!
Please take a minute to pass this message along to your friends, family and co-workers today. You never know who desperately needs this guidance and direction for their lives, so share this on your social media sites or print it out and pass it around.
I can’t wait to talk to you LIVE this Wednesday night on The Spiritual Equipping Broadcast! Tune in on your TV or radio at 8 pm ET/7 pm CT and join the discussion.
In great faith,
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The Bible has incredible stories of miracles and divine interventions, but do these types of events still happen today?
Do you believe the current school system is setting your child up for success? Or are one of those parents who has had enough and decided to home school your kids?
You don’t have to be perfect in order to do great things. God is not limited by your dysfunction. He is attracted to your faith and pursuit of Him.