Invest In Your Work To Gain In Your Pay
Have you ever thought, “I don’t want to go to work today!”… “Gosh, I hate my job/boss.”
How’re you today? I don’t often share stories from the news, but this one specific article caught my eye because it is so timely and so encouraging.
At some point or another, every parent has felt the stress or tension that comes with taking a child out to a public place. Even the most loving, most skilled has had THAT moment at the most inconvenient time or place!
Some get through it better than others, no doubt, but it still has the power to send a little shiver up your spine if you’ve ever had to cope with a full-on “melt-down” in public. We can even picture ourselves in that parent’s shoes if we happen to see this sort of thing going on at a store or restaurant we’re in. And, I sure feel real sympathy for that parent — and I bet you do, too.
Now, imagine facing a public place like a crowded restaurant, in the middle of the dinner hour, if your child has “special needs.”
For one North Carolina family, the thought of going out to dinner had the real potential of becoming a nightmare — EVERY TIME they went out. Their son, 8, had been diagnosed with a severe form of epilepsy years ago and this usually meant trouble when he was in public places. And, this was once again the case this Tuesday evening when the whole family went out to eat. And the son began to get a little rowdy, hitting the table and yelling.
Used to handling this type of situation, they quickly asked for their check. However, when the waitress returned, she was in tears. The family assumed they knew why, until she told them another patron had already paid for their dinner and asked to pass along a note. The note simply said, “God only gives special children to special people.”
This seriously brought me to tears! Even news anchors across the country were crying as they told this story.
And if you’re a parent you totally know that EVERY child is a gift to us, to this world and to the future! Seriously! Every kid is different, whether they are considered “special needs” or not, but let’s take a look at this from a different mindset: EVERY child is ” special” and they ALL have “special needs” according to their own unique and beautiful gifts. They all have something to offer to this world. Sometimes it just takes knowing how to bring out the best in your kid.
Parenting is not an easy job and it isn’t something that just clicks! There is no switch somebody just automatically turns on inside you after you have your first child. It is however, the most rewarding job you can or will ever have in your life.
You see those gifts in your child before anyone else does. And you have the influence to help them develop those skills and gifts.
In this news story the mother was talking about how her son can’t even say the words, “I love you.” But he still shows love in the most meaningful and astonishing ways!
Today I just want to encourage all the parents out there. If you raise children or interact with them at all you have an amazing influence over them. They look to us for social cues, financial advice, relationship examples, everything!
If you know other parents or teachers, wouldn’t this be a great message to share with them today? It takes two seconds to pass this on and make a huge difference in someone’s day! Don’t forget to leave me your comments on today’s The Daily Fix, share or like on Facebook and Twitter.
I can’t wait to talk to you LIVE this Sunday night on The Dani Johnson Show! Tune in on your TV or radio at 9 pm ET/8 pm CT and join the discussion. Check the sidebar to see how to watch and listen!
In great faith,
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Have you ever thought, “I don’t want to go to work today!”… “Gosh, I hate my job/boss.”
I’m going to tell you something that may shock you or leave you thinking, “What the HECK are you talking about, Dani?” Or you may just say, “Duh”, and go […]
I bet you’ve heard the term, “practice makes perfect.” And indeed, repetition is the mother of skill; you and I both know you don’t become a master of something overnight!