Spring Into Fun…With These 4 Fresh Ideas!
With a little imagination and planning, you can have the most enjoyable and affordable springtime fun ever…while bringing your family closer together. Your options truly are endless!
I have a question for you today. You may have heard this question before, or this may be the first time you’ve ever really thought about it. Either way, we all need a reminder every once in a while to keep us on the right track. So, what is your vision for your work?
You see, it’s so easy to get caught up in the day-to-day routine of work, whether your work is at a job, running a business, volunteering or even working in your home. When that happens, it’s easy to forget about the purpose for what we do every day, and we stop working to the best of our abilities. Our attitude often changes from working with excellence to just showing up because you have to and doing the bare minimum.
However, someone with vision and purpose takes ownership of what they do. They work with diligence and excellence in whatever they do, regardless of whether their job is cleaning toilets, answering phones, changing diapers, running a company or crunching numbers. They realize the purpose in what they do.
I have to tell you about one of the members of the DaniJohnson.com team. His name is Joseph, and he’s been with us for about 8 1/2 years. He does the bookkeeping and manages the finances and HR of the company. This man is truly amazing!
Even before he started working with us, Joseph’s mindset has been one of ownership. He sees the importance and the purpose of his position, and his heart is to serve the company and everyone in it. He works with excellence and diligence in everything he does and sets a phenomenal example for others in the company. He has the most amazing attitude, and you never hear Joseph complain.
Someone in his position could say, "Gosh! All I’m doing is crunching numbers every day. I really want to help people succeed in their business, career and finances. I wish I could work in the Events Department so I could go to First Steps to Success every month and help our clients." But Joseph does not have that attitude.
He understands he is part of the backbone of the entire organization. He knows every time he is on that 10-key, he is helping the team to change lives. Every report, every piece of paper, every question, task or responsibility has a purpose.
Every time I step onto the stage at First Steps to Success, Joseph knows he has had a part in helping people annihilate their debt, raise honorable kids, grow their businesses, get promoted in their jobs, and succeed financially. Without him, we could not do what we do here at DaniJohnson.com.
That’s how Joseph looks at his job. It’s no surprise that he has gotten raises and bonuses. He has vision and purpose, and it shows in his actions every single day. He brings so much into our work environment and our community, and Hans and I are always looking for ways to bless him and his family because of that.
What is your attitude when you go to work every day? Do you whine and complain, saying, "I don’t wanna go to work! My job is boring. It’s the same thing every single day. I’d rather be doing something else. Why do I have to clean the toilets? Why can’t I have the fun job?" Are you the one who walks in with a bad attitude and no smile, looking like you really don’t want to be there?
Or are you like Joseph? Are you eager to do your job the very best you can? Do you take ownership and have a good attitude about your position? Are you constantly looking for what you can contribute to the environment instead of being an energy vampire, sucking the life out of the organization?
Do you know the vision and purpose for what you do every day? It could be to help your clients succeed, to provide for your family, to achieve your personal goals, or even to feed orphans and free sex slaves all over the world. Whatever that purpose is, let that inspire you to work with excellence and diligence every day, knowing that what you do does make a difference — in your life, your family’s life, as well as for people around the world.
I promise you, if you follow Joseph’s example, you will become an extremely valuable asset to your company, home and community. You will get raises and bonuses, and people will talk about you the way I (and the rest of our office) speak in such glowing terms about Joseph.
This is such a powerful example of someone who really is doing it right, and I’d highly encourage you to follow his lead. You can start by taking a moment right now to share this message with your friends, family and co-workers. Post this on Facebook and Twitter, print it out and pass it around, or just forward this email! Your friends will thank you for helping them get on the right track!
Don’t forget — the Spiritual Equipping Broadcast is returning to Wednesday nights starting on September 4th! I have missed spending those 2 hours with you every Wednesday and I can’t wait to begin again. This time, you’ll be able to tune in on your TV or radio!
Speaking of TV and radio… Be sure to join me this Sunday night for The Dani Johnson Show! Catch the show at 9 pm ET/8 pm CT.
In great faith,
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With a little imagination and planning, you can have the most enjoyable and affordable springtime fun ever…while bringing your family closer together. Your options truly are endless!
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