Grooming The Next Generation For Success Gains National Attention!
Dani Johnson’s latest book release, Grooming The Next Generation For Success is catching a lot of momentum across the country. The book has held top 100 on Amazon for 4 […]
Have you ever thought about where people get their financial advice? Or even where you get your advice? The reality is, a lot of people are quick to hand out financial advice, but most of them don’t have a track record to back it up.
Time magazine said it this way: “It seems like everyone from bloggers to your next-door neighbor doles out financial advice these days. It can be difficult figuring out who to believe.”
There are a lot of people who claim to know how to help you save money, pay off debt and become wealthy. They are all very quick to offer advice to anyone who will listen. Unfortunately, a lot of the advice out there is coming from people who are not financially independent themselves. Anybody can call themselves an expert, but at the end of the day, their results are all that matter.
I have a client who spent $30,000 over 3 years on all kinds of different “experts” and “gurus” who promised to lead her to financial freedom and abundance. Come to find out, this so-called “guru” was broke as a joke! My client ended up miserable and even deeper in debt.
Since this young woman came across, she has paid off $23,000 of debt and is now 100% debt-free! She has savings, investments and she gives money to orphans and contributes to free kids in the sex trade every month.
A long time ago, I learned if you want to be successful, you’ve got to find someone who has what you want, and do what they do. I would not be where I am today if I had not learned to take advice from people who had the kind of success I want.
In order to succeed financially, you have to learn from financially successful people. Someone in debt cannot teach you how to get out of debt! Someone who is failing in business cannot teach you how to succeed in business! If you want to become a millionaire, who do you learn from? A millionaire! Why? Because they have already done it and they can teach you how.
You have gotten some good and bad advice in your life, just like I have. You’ve ignored some of it, and followed some. You’ve gotten some good results and you’ve suffered some bad consequences. And hopefully, you’ve learned a few lessons along the way.
Before you take any financial advice, whether it’s from your best friend or a so-called “expert,” you have to look at their results. Are they financially independent? Do they have a track record of helping other people annihilate their debt, increase their income and live financially independent lives? If the answer is no, do not take their advice!
If you want to be successful, find someone who has what you want, and do what they do! It’s that simple.
Do not end up like so many others who blindly follow “experts” and “gurus” only to end up broke, in debt and miserable. And you can help your friends and family avoid being led into a trap by simply sharing this message with them. This is a lesson you definitely do NOT want to learn the hard way! So pass this along via email or social media today!
Be sure to join me this Sunday night for The Dani Johnson Show on TV and the radio! We are live at 9 pm ET/8 pm CT, and I can’t wait to connect with you!
In great faith,
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Dani Johnson’s latest book release, Grooming The Next Generation For Success is catching a lot of momentum across the country. The book has held top 100 on Amazon for 4 […]
Less than 20% of us feel like we’re living “The American Dream”…but, I am NOT going to show you how to become one of those 20%! I want you to rise to the elite 2%, who define their OWN success & achieve outrageous, tailor-made-FOR-YOU dreams!
You would never tell a toddler, just learning to walk, “You idiot! Can’t you figure this out?! Just sit down and forget about EVER walking! You will NEVER get it!” Cruel, right?! So why do you say it to YOURSELF?!