Have you ever felt like everything is against you? You wake up in the morning and nothing seems to go your way? You’ve hit a roadblock… or a 7-foot concrete wall.
Maybe you’re falsely accused of something, you’ve been lied about, betrayed, scammed, bullied, belittled or humiliated! We’ve all been there. I know I sure have.
It hurts and I know, trust me, it’s so easy just to cave in on those days. Just give up, right? Sure, people are always saying “Never stop fighting” or “Roll with the punches,” “Gotta get back on the horse.” But these cliches never tell you HOW.
You see, you have to have a strategy to overcome those hard times. If you don’t, you will find yourself overwhelmed, trampled on… and you will lose the fight.
Leave a life of failure behind to succeed beyond your wildest dreams If you’re exhausted by failure, frustrated by your mistakes and missed opportunities or haunted by depression you need this training. Dani Johnson reveals a new attitude and technique to totally leave the past behind and
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As a businesswoman, mother of 5, soon-to-be grandmother of 5, I learned a long time ago that if you want success, you gotta follow what successful people do. Find someone who has what you want, and do what they do. Likewise, when it comes to hardships I always, always check out how OTHER people successfully got through similar obstacles.
In my personal life, I use successful people in the Bible. And maybe you don’t care for that example, and that’s okay. Read my example and see how simply you can use anyone as your role model to create your own personal strategy! If it works for you, great. If not, just find an example of someone in your life who seems to having everything working for them in their life. This is NOT a new concept, mankind has been dealing with loss, betrayal, heartache, depression and money problems for thousands of years!
For me, whenever I’m having a hard time, I specifically look to King David in the Bible. He was a ruler, a political leader, a military commander, a profitable businessman, a songwriter. He was a very successful man, even by today’s standards. But, oh boy, he went through some rough times.
David wasn’t perfect, as none of us are. We are human and occasionally we totally and completely mess up! David messed up a lot, and he faced major consequences for his sins.
And even when David wasn’t messing up or facing consequences, he still endured major life challenges. King Saul tormented him, was jealous of him and even tried to kill him! All this fell on him, despite the fact David served King Saul faithfully!
And when I read about David, he always did the exact same thing in those hard times. When he messed up, he owned up to it and accepted whatever consequences he had to. David felt that falling on the mercy of his God was always the best way to go. And when David was going through some of life’s challenges, he cried out to his Lord. God was his strong tower, his safe place, and his ever-present HELP in time of need.
In my life, I use the same strategy as David and I can tell you I’ve used it to overcome a LOT. I’ve been abandoned, betrayed, embezzled, left-for-broke, lied about and hurt. But whenever I go through storms like this, I did what David did to see it through.
Who in your life can you use as an example? Follow their steps to make it through hardship! So many before you have experienced similar challenges and mistakes. You don’t have to figure it all out on your own. You can talk about it on Facebook and Twitter and leave your feedback for me below, telling me whose strategy do you follow?
In great faith,
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