Are You FIGHTING For Your Marriage?
A great marriage does NOT go without challenges, temptations or failures…great marriages make it THROUGH those bad times and manage to survive, BECAUSE the partners made a decision to keep going!
According to the National Foundation for Credit Counseling over half of the people in America graded themselves on their understanding of finances with a C or lower. So C, D or F if you recall from school.
It’s truly heartbreaking that so many feel at a loss when it comes to personal finance. If that’s you, don’t fret! I was once in your shoes. In fact, I was so bad at finances I wound up homeless when I was 21.
I spent everything I made. In fact, sometimes I spent MORE than I made. It took reaching the very bottom to realize I had to stop living the way I was living. Are you going to have to hit bottom before you realize the same thing?
What are you going to do differently this year? What is your plan to raise your personal “grade” in financial knowledge? Because you don’t have to stay in that pit! Living paycheck-to-paycheck or working simply because you’re in fear of being unable to pay the bills is not something you HAVE to go through in this life – and is certainly no way to enjoy life!
There are a few simple financial principles that could change how you think about money. And I’ve been teaching them to people for decades.
First, think about how much money you’ve made over the last 5 years. Write that number down. So if you make $25K a year you made $125K over 5 years.
Then answer this simple question. How much is left?
One of the things I want you to realize is, it isn’t just about how much you make. It’s about how much you keep! Do you see why having a plan for your money could make a huge change in your life over the next couple of years? Over the rest of your lifetime?
Maybe you haven’t really thought about planning out your finances yet. But man, I hope this is your wake-up call. You never know what circumstances will change in your life, but your entire financial situation can turn on a dime. In my life alone I’ve experienced it many times over. I’ve been embezzled from, abandoned by my first husband. On the other side, I also managed to generate my first million in just two years. It’s crazy how quickly things can change.
Your finances are 100% YOUR responsibility. So the bottom line is you NEED to have a plan for your money. If you don’t, I guarantee it will get sucked into other things and lost forever.
What is your plan to revolutionize the way you spend money? How is this year going to be different? While you’re telling me about YOUR new plans, don’t forget to Like and Share today’s message with your friends and family.
Join us this Wednesday night for the Spiritual Equipping Broadcast at 8 pm ET/7 pm CT.
In great faith,
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A great marriage does NOT go without challenges, temptations or failures…great marriages make it THROUGH those bad times and manage to survive, BECAUSE the partners made a decision to keep going!
A staggering 89% of Americans report a problem with that all-important “work-life balance.” Have you found yourself wondering how your lost your footing in life?
Most people just wait to win the lottery or get a bonus or raise – but the moment they have it, IT’S GONE! We so easily fall into the trap of “more-more-more” until we’re buried alive in debt…but it doesn’t have to be YOU!