Israel: What The Media Doesn’t Show
I never would have imagined I would be here! If you have been following on Facebook, you know my husband and I are in Israel right now. And wow, Israel […]
Are you experiencing a “fall down” from your summer high? You probably spent this past summer vacationing, spending time with the family, jet skiing, camping or indulging in whatever summer pastime you enjoy.
This situation is common: You come back from all that excitement, fall begins and man you’re just feeling sluggish, unmotivated, nothing is working right. Does that sound like you?
Maybe you got back to business but you’re not seeing a lot of results, new customers, leads or progress? When you look ahead, the holidays are looming in front of you. And let me tell you, you really don’t want to start off 2015 from this low point! You need to get back in gear now before the rest of 2014 just slips through your fingers.
I see people think to themselves, it’s okay to be sluggish or have a dip in sales. But here’s how it hurts you. It’s a real “domino effect” because that dip in sales causes a dip in your confidence and motivation. So you end up stuck on this “no-growth” track.
The longer you wait to correct course, the harder it will be to get back on the right track. So this is something you need to take under serious consideration NOW and nip it in the bud!
If you or your sales team doesn’t know what goal they’re trying to accomplish on a weekly basis, that is a sure sign your team has lost focus! You took your eye off the ball.
It’s okay to take your eye off the ball. It happens! Vacations, time away or just a summer daze can do that. But now it’s important to reassess where you are, and what needs to change to get going again.
As a business consultant, I see people looking to the outside to figure out why things aren’t working right on the inside. But success in business (and in everything else) is an “inside job.”
This year isn’t over yet. There is still plenty of time to start a business, increase your business and finish out 2014 strong. Don’t be one of those people making resolutions to revitalize their business and struggling to get back on track. Shake off that sluggishness now!
Are you ready to move past your dip in sales, confidence and motivation? Let me know in the comments and be sure to share today’s message within your circle of influence.
If you want to talk more about business and career tips, tricks and strategies be sure to join us later today on The Dani Johnson Show today at 12 pm ET/11 am CT. You can tune into the show on either your TV or radio and please remember you can always stream today’s show right on our website.
In great faith,
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I never would have imagined I would be here! If you have been following on Facebook, you know my husband and I are in Israel right now. And wow, Israel […]
What do you enjoy? I’m sure you have found something in life that brings you enjoyment. Whether it’s time with loved ones, hobbies, security, wealth – everyone is different. But some of […]
If you “practice” the wrong thing, you sow the wrong habit! We ALL know doing the same thing again & again, expecting different results, is literally the definition of insanity. Practice – and correction – make perfect!