Back-To-School And Back-To-Business
During the hot and lazy days of summer, it can be easy to let things slide and become a little less “focused” on our business, financial and personal goals.
Happy Wednesday! I don’t know about you, but I’m the type of person who wakes up in the morning and the first thing I do, every day, is to spend time with God. Starting my day with that spiritual refueling is what I use to propel myself through whatever may follow.
Occasionally, I go through stuff that really just sticks with me. And even though I’ve read the Bible cover-to-cover now several times over, I learn new things every single time.
This past week or so I’ve been totally rocked by a few chapters in Deuteronomy, so I just had to take a second to share them with you today.
It starts in Deuteronomy 8 and 9. Chapter 8 begins with the period after Moses and the Israelites had been walking around the desert for 40 years. It basically describes all the blessings of the land and reminds them that God provided it all. He wants them to never forget it was HE who fed them manna and led them safely through the desert.
Now when it goes into Chapter 9, things really start to get heavy.
Deuteronomy 9:4 starts out, “Do not think in your heart after YHVH your Elohim has driven them out before you, saying ‘Because of my righteousness YHVH has brought me in to possess this land.’ But it is because of the wrong of these nations that YHVH is driving them out from before you.”
Oh man, whenever I read that I feel humbled. Have you have felt that it is your right to be blessed or carried a spirit of entitlement over your righteousness? This whole chapter is basically just telling the Israelites their righteousness is nothing!
Deuteronomy 9:23 tells us “Then you rebelled against the mouth of YHVH your Elohim, and you neither trusted Him nor listened to His voice.” Moses is reminding them God had wanted to destroy them! It was Moses who spoke to God, saying in Deuteronomy 9:26-29 “And I prayed to YHVH and said ‘O Master YHVH, do not destroy your people and your inheritance whom you have ransomed in your greatness, whom you have brought out of Mitzrayim with a strong hand. Remember Yitshaq and Ya’aqob. Do not look on the stubbornness of this people, or on their wrong or their sin.’ ”
Think about in your life right now. Can you imagine making a plea to God to have grace? You might do it for your kids. But for your community or your staff? Think of the people who drive you crazy or have tormented you! Would you ask that for them as well?
Moses’ heart was for his people, he asked God to overlook the wickedness and stubbornness in them. To me, that type of leadership and love is what is truly deserving of the title righteousness. So often we judge others for their sin instead of looking past that to just love them!
You might not realize it, but your spiritual success is a big deal. How you view others affects everything in your life. Is there anyone in your life you hold a judgment against? Man, if God said he was going to destroy them would you step aside? Tell me what you think about it below, leave me your comments and don’t forget to Like and Share this message… who knows, it could inspire someone to show YOU grace!
Tonight is also the Spiritual Equipping Broadcast at 8 pm ET/7 pm CT. If you’re looking for a little more refueling for your spirit, come join us then!
In great faith,
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During the hot and lazy days of summer, it can be easy to let things slide and become a little less “focused” on our business, financial and personal goals.
How do you handle those no-good, everything-that-could-go-wrong-DID-go-wrong, just downright AWFUL days? Because, honestly… poop DOES happen. And YOU have to decide what to do!
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