The Keys To Success NEVER Go To Drama Kings & Queens!
Don’t miss this episode of The Dani Johnson Show, as Dani shares how to get – and keep – your reactions under control, so they no longer control your future!
As we welcome a brand New Year, it’s important to position ourselves for success in 2014. Unfortunately, most people will set goals they never actually achieve. But with some planning and guidance, and a lot of diligence and persistence, you will be one of the few who can accomplish what you set out to do this year! Tune in to the Spiritual Equipping Broadcast as Dani shares more about what God says about your 2014 plans!
Don’t miss this episode of The Dani Johnson Show, as Dani shares how to get – and keep – your reactions under control, so they no longer control your future!
You’ve GOT to see this episode of The Dani Johnson Show to learn everything you need to say “GOODBYE” to the pressure of debt and “HELLO” to financial freedom!
Join us for this this episode, as Dani’s guests share how they traded suicidal thoughts, looming marriage failures and crushing debt, for flourishing businesses, relationships & donating a YEAR’S salary to the extreme poor!