Happy Wednesday! I want to take the chance today to talk about a very well-known parable, The Prodigal Son. “And He said, ‘A man had two sons. The younger of them said to his father, ‘Father, give me the share of the estate that falls to me.’ So he divided his wealth between them.” (Luke 15:11-12)
I’m sure you heard this story in Bible school growing up. The younger son squanders his estate in a distant country and quickly thereafter the country enters a famine period, leaving him greatly impoverished. You see the son had great wealth awaiting him, but he lacked the maturity and skills to properly manage it.
When you look at our society, unfortunately there is the same mindset. Everyone wants everything NOW: instant savings, get rich quick, fast food. It’s a microwave society! You want it all NOW, you want to be successful NOW, you want to be out of debt NOW.
I remember when I was pregnant with Cabe, my oldest son. I couldn’t wait for him to be born! I would’ve given anything to rush ahead to the part where he was in my arms. But he was still growing, forming and if I had rushed it he wouldn’t have survived in the world! His heart and lungs wouldn’t have been strong enough.
And of course, once he arrived I couldn’t wait for him to sleep through the night. And then I couldn’t wait for him to be potty trained. But those stages were all necessary in his development. Now looking back, I wouldn’t have skipped any of that. Not only did Cabe need to go through all those stages to become the amazing man and new husband he is today, but I wouldn’t trade those memories for anything.
Think about the things in your life you are rushing or “can’t wait for.” It may seem so far off, but seek peace in the knowledge you are still developing! Don’t be the son who is rushing to get his inheritance. Work on being the son who can be trusted with his inheritance.
If you can be faithful with the little things, you will be made ruler over much. But if you squander what you have, you are proving you aren’t ready for the wealth awaiting you. Whether that is money, success or whatever it is you just can’t wait for in your life… remember, some of the best things in life are WORTH the wait!
Are you being faithful with the small things? Or are you trying to cut corners and rush to your inheritance? Tell me in your comments and be sure to Like and Share today’s message with your friends and family.
This Wednesday I have a double-dose of Spiritual food for your soul! Join us at 12 pm ET and again at 7 pm ET for spiritual equipping edition of The Dani Johnson Show. You can find the show throughout the day on both your TV and radio and please remember you can always stream today’s show right on our website.
In great faith,
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