10-Minute Tip: Cheap Meal Ideas
Check out this great money saving tip and a FREE healthy recipe. Try it out, and let me know how it tastes.
Many people talk about God’s will in terms of do or don’t, but in this video I want to address what it looks like to practically apply His will every day.
Check out this great money saving tip and a FREE healthy recipe. Try it out, and let me know how it tastes.
Have you ever set a goal and then weeks or months later, realized that you have COMPLETELY missed the mark? Maybe you forgot, or maybe you just gave up…
Faith is the difference between good and great. Having the faith of a mustard seed will move mountains, but unfortunately many people choose to obey FEAR instead. Bowing down to fear will keep you depressed, broke, and ineffective!! So instead of staying stuck in a rut join me today in believing for GREATNESS! You were made to be great and do powerful works. I believe it, now it’s your turn to believe it too.