10-Minute Tip: God And Customer Service
I’m sure you’re asking what God has to do with customer service right? I give the specifics in the video, but I’ll give you a hint… It has something to do with “The Golden Rule”.
Have you ever found yourself backed into a corner cowering in fear because of intimidation? Have you ever acted in a way that you normally wouldn’t because you were worried about how someone else would treat you? It’s time to beat that NASTY, STINKING, DISGUSTING spirit of intimidation right now! In this video I show you step by step how to beat intimidation and live FREE.
I’m sure you’re asking what God has to do with customer service right? I give the specifics in the video, but I’ll give you a hint… It has something to do with “The Golden Rule”.
If you are constantly surrounded by people telling you what they think you want to hear… you very well may be afflicted with this terrible disease.
In today’s world, it’s easy to let yourself go after a certain point. You have kids, you work all the time and you’re just too busy to put in that effort. But, when you look your best, you feel better and more self-confident! Use this quick tip for an easy hair how-to to give your confidence a boost.