Can Your Finances Withstand Any Storm?
What are you going to do differently this year? What is your plan to raise your personal “grade” in financial knowledge?
Among the most important foundational elements of a successful entrepreneur (or employee) is a very simple, yet absolutely essential, cornerstone. Without this one piece, you cannot succeed. Can you guess what it might be? Your mindset!
You’re probably thinking this is nothing new: “Dani, I’ve heard all of this before! Tell me something I DON’T know.” But in reality, sometimes the simplest concepts are the easiest to forget. By thinking they should be so ingrained in us, we don’t have to give it a second thought and get tripped up!
So today I want to share a few of these traits that lead to entrepreneurial success. This is all about your mindset – in essence, the way you think. What you believe, you will receive. So it’s vital to make sure your foundational beliefs set you up for success.
As you read this list, evaluate yourself honestly. Ask yourself, “Does this describe me?” If the answer is no, then answer the question, “What thoughts or habits do I need to change? How can I improve in this area?”
Successful entrepreneurs:
This, of course, is only a partial list. But it is a good place to start today, as you evaluate your own mindset to discover whether you are setting yourself up for success or failure.
EVERYONE has a ton of room for improvement, because no matter how far you climb up the ladder of success, there’s always another rung, a higher level of success. So, even if you check off a few items on this list, ask yourself the question: “How can I improve in this area?” Don’t look at this as a bad thing, because it’s NOT! Remember, we ALL have weaknesses and are all naturally stronger in some areas than in others. Identifying the weak spots will simply help you move forward… FASTER.
This is not a message to simply read and then to go about your day like normal. This is one you will want to print out, take notes on and really spend time thinking about. Honestly evaluate and ask yourself a few key questions to uncover your mindset “weak spots,” so you can reinforce them to experience outrageous success.
I would love to know your thoughts about The Daily Fix today. Share your strategies for improving and gaining these characteristics of a successful entrepreneur with me in the comments below!
And remember to join me today for The Dani Johnson Show to keep adding to your success strategies! Tune in on your TV and radio and please remember you can always stream today’s show right here on our website.
In great faith,
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What are you going to do differently this year? What is your plan to raise your personal “grade” in financial knowledge?
Welcome to another round of Friday Favorites! Every week, you get a glance into the offices. Here’s what the crew has to say this week: What Inspired & Excited […]
Have you ever been wrapped-up in the words of others? I certainly have and worked incredibly hard to be accepted. But we ARE accepted…by GOD & need to STOP living in fear of man’s words, rejection or failure!