Are you a procrastinator? As this new month kicks off, maybe you have a lot of things you want to accomplish that you’ve been putting off for a while.
It is so easy to make excuses for not actually getting anything done, right? You can always “Get to it tomorrow” or “When you feel better” or “When you’ve got more time” or whatever other new excuse happens to be convenient.
Procrastination can result from feeling overwhelmed, a fear of failure or just plain ol’ disorganization. But it also can come from indecision, lack of vision or divided focus. I hear a lot of people claim they do their best work “under pressure”… is that you? Unfortunately, procrastination and pressure lead to mental fatigue, stress, anxiety, fear and defeat. And that keeps you stuck!
Procrastinating might help you get by, but it won’t lead you down the path to success. It does not help you move forward or achieve success. The only thing you can do to beat procrastination, is to take action.
If you are one of those suffering from chronic procrastination, try these steps to take action and achieve success.
Step 1: Create a vision. One of the leading causes of procrastination is failing to have a clear vision. When you lack vision, it leaves room for all those little excuses and indecisiveness to take over.
Step 2: Take action. Decision and action leave no room for procrastination. When you make a decision and follow it up with action, success happens!
Step 3: Celebrate your sprouts. Once the seeds are planted, stay motivated by celebrating your sprouts. It can be easy to go back to your old ways after achieving some degree of success. Instead of focusing on the size of your success, find motivation from any and all progress. Those sprouts will mature into a crop someday! If neglect them or put off watering them, they WILL wither and die.
The ultimate step you can take is to decide what kind of life you want to live. If you continue to sow into chronic procrastination, you will reap a life full of stress with little success – and a lot of worry lines – to show for it. If you want to sow seeds of success, act now – not later!
We live in a world filled with all kinds of distractions. As if procrastination wasn’t a big enough issue, you are surrounded by social media, email and your cell phone glued to your hand… all busy work begging for your time. And if you don’t direct your time, it will get sucked up into those other places so easily, leading to yet another source of procrastination.
What lifestyle choices are you planting today? Ones of fear, inaction and stress? Or new ones of vision, productivity and success? Please leave your comments for me below and take the extra 30 seconds to Share today’s message of motivation.
Start your day off right this morning and listen in to The NEW Dani Johnson Show at 7 am, or on demand on your own schedule! You can tune into the show on either your TV or radio and please remember you can always stream today’s show right on our website.
In great faith,
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