Do You Spend Like Third World Countries?
I just returned from a trip to Nicaragua to visit family, some of whom I met for the very first time … I visited my Aunt Teresa in Managua and was shocked by the poverty…
I have a question for you today. On the surface, it may seem like a simple question. But don’t read over it too quickly, or you just might miss it!
What are you doing TODAY to increase your work skills?
It doesn’t matter what you do – whether you run your own business or you work for someone else – this still applies to you. Because the bottom line is, the marketplace determines your value not based on your looks, your personality or your background. It’s your skills!
Now, here’s that question: Who makes more money, a general M.D. or a brain surgeon? The brain surgeon, of course. Why? Because brain surgeons have specialized knowledge and skills. They’ve invested more time and money into learning a higher skill set.
It works the same way for you and me. If you increase your skill level, you will increase your pay. And, the good news is we each control our own skills. Therefore, we each control our own paychecks!
So, let me ask you again: What are you doing today to increase your skill at work?
I’m not asking what you did in college, or last year, or last week, or even over the weekend. I’m asking what you’re doing today.
Many people make the mistake of thinking it’s enough to occasionally invest into their skills. They think just because they took a class last year, or they majored in a specific area in college, they’re set. But the reality is, if you’re not growing, you’re falling behind… quickly.
To get you started, try these 3 ways to increase your value at work. There are tons of ways to do this, but these are just 3 easy places to begin today.
Keep an open mind and ask yourself, “What can I learn from this?”While books are inexpensive and don’t require much of your time, remember you will get out of it what you put in. Don’t expect to get massive results from simply reading a book. However, this is a good way to continuously expose yourself to many different ideas, concepts, strategies and skill sets.
Look for cold, hard facts. Like Chad & Sommer, who said, “When we first came to First Steps To Success, we averaged $69 a month in our business. Today we average $50K-$60K per month, all because of what we learned at First Steps.” Or Mike Gibson, who told us, “Since plugging into First Steps To Success, I have tripled my income, and we’ve paid off $32K of debt in 7 months!”
By filling these gaps/needs, you immediately increase your value!
My friend, the marketplace pays for value. And the only thing determining your value is your skill. Most people believe their personalities will help them become successful. But unless you actively increase your skill level, you will not advance your career. That’s the bottom line.
So, I’ll ask you one more time. What are you doing today to increase your skills at work? I hope you’re starting to think of ways to raise your value, whether it’s taking a class, attending First Steps To Success to learn business tips, sales strategies and people skills to increase YOUR pay or finding existing needs inside your company. I would love to know what action you will take today to increase your skill (which will increase your value and your paycheck). Let me know in the comments below!
In great faith,
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I just returned from a trip to Nicaragua to visit family, some of whom I met for the very first time … I visited my Aunt Teresa in Managua and was shocked by the poverty…
You don’t have to admit defeat. Just because others have failed, does not mean all is lost! Don’t get depressed – get excited. This is your time to rise.
Two years ago last month we celebrated the anniversary of our radio show becoming nationally syndicated. One year ago The Dani Johnson Show hit satellite radio stations and millions of […]