Have You Been Living The Wrong Dream?
Sometimes you are going steady, achieving success, but at the end of the day, it just doesn’t feel right. You should be happy and from the outside your life looks perfect, but something is off. What is it?
Today, let’s discuss your New Year’s goals a little more. You know, that list of things you made and then forgot about 6 months ago? This message is especially for people who have been procrastinating on your goals big time!
In business, there is a process called quarterly goal review. You make checkpoints to accomplish every quarter and at the end of the 3-month period you look at what worked, what didn’t work and how to move forward.
As the second quarter of 2015 is wrapping up, now is the time to look back. Have you just been sitting around procrastinating for nearly half the year saying, “I still have plenty of time to accomplish that.”? If you really want to end 2015 better than you started it, now is the time to evaluate what is working and what isn’t.
When you figure out what doesn’t work, you can adjust what you want to accomplish and set yourself up to succeed.
So now is the time to take on a new mindset. Maybe you procrastinated almost half the year away, and that’s alright. Instead of beating yourself up about what you didn’t work on or continuing to procrastinate, figure out what you can start doing now! Instead of a mindset stuck on, “I wish I had, I could do, maybe if I…” focus on what DID go right and what you can do from this point on!
Pick one small goal from your list and start working on it today. Even if it’s just one small thing on your list of goals, it will help to motivate you.
That extra motivation will help keep you on track and moving forward at a steady pace. If you try to accomplish everything at once, you set yourself up to fail. That is a recipe for burnout, split vision and indecisiveness.
Even worse, when you fail to accomplish your goals, it conditions you to NOT set goals anymore. I mean, why keep setting goals and never accomplishing anything? Oh man, if that is your current mindset, it’s time for a new one! That is an excuse!
I hope this helped to motivate you to forge ahead as the second half of 2015 begins in just a couple of weeks. Leave me your comments below telling me what you DID accomplish this year so far, and please Like and Share this message with your friends!
Join us for more tips and strategies to improve your life with The Dani Johnson Show today at 7 am or you can listen on-demand whenever the mood strikes you! You can tune into the show on either your TV or radio and please remember you can always stream today’s show right here on our website.
In great faith,
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Sometimes you are going steady, achieving success, but at the end of the day, it just doesn’t feel right. You should be happy and from the outside your life looks perfect, but something is off. What is it?
It’s so important to train your mind to look for the good in EVERY situation. Discover how to find the good, and get more of it in your life!
I want to go over a quick, 3-step process to help you see huge results in your finances, career or any other area of your life. In theory, it’s one of the simplest things you can do. It all starts with making a decision.