Follow His Directions To Reap Success
You can learn a lot from this widow…
Yesterday was Mother’s Day. According to Hallmark, it is the second biggest gift-giving holiday of the year! In fact, 96% of consumers in America participate in, purchase for or observe this holiday.
The National Retail Federation reported consumers were expected to spend a total of $20.7 billion this Mother’s Day, averaging about $169 each. Of those numbers, 2 out of every 3 consumers gave Mom flowers as a gift, though it’s estimated that less than 1 in 4 mothers even care about receiving them!
Showing love, appreciation and honoring your mother is certainly a big deal! But it doesn’t have to happen just one day a year. In fact, if it only happens one day a year, you need to fix that… NOW.
I came across a piece of ancient wisdom almost 19 years ago, that continues to stick with me: “Older women teach the younger women how to love their families.” At the time, I thought that was strange… don’t women automatically love their families?
Of course, at the time I hated my husband and worked so many hours a week a nanny was raising my kids. I never saw them and I had no idea how to be a mother! My own mother wasn’t any better… it was then I realized I was following in her footsteps.
If you have a mom, know a mom or any woman with incredible influence to love, nourish and teach others, HONOR them every day! Did you have the type of mom who taught you how to be a great spouse and parent? What did she do right?
If you are a mother yourself, what is your biggest goal as a mom? Is it to survive your kid’s teenage years unscathed? Or is it to set your children up for a lifetime of success in their marriages, as parents and in their finances?
Not just as a mom, but as a parent, we all face challenges and fears. I’ve felt them all! I realized I was messing up my kids in a similar way my mother messed me up! And I had promised myself I would never be anything like my parents. Wow, was I shocked to realize I was following in her footsteps.
I hope you honored and appreciated your mother yesterday. And not just with a card and some flowers that will die in a week. You should honor, respect, love, listen to and appreciate the people close to you DAILY. When was the last time you thanked your mom for doing the laundry? Gave her a hug just to show her you cared?
Little things do matter – and when I say “little” I don’t mean little gift boxes or a simple card. Saying thank you and telling people you appreciate them on a daily basis goes beyond whatever you could ever say to your Mother, or anyone else, on just one day a year. It’s more than a holiday or special occasion, it’s a way of living! Everyone wants to feel special and important. Everyone wants to feel their efforts are appreciated.
How do you show your mom, or others, you care every day? Leave me your comments below and Share and Like today’s message while you’re at it. Spread this message of appreciation and start showing it!
You might not be a lover of Mondays, but we can all start this week out strong together. Join us for The Dani Johnson Show where you can gain more tips and strategies to help improve your everyday life. You can find the show on your TV and radio and please remember you can always stream today’s show right here on our website.
In great faith,
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You can learn a lot from this widow…
Have you ever considered what you put into your shopping cart could lead you to financial independence?
The education of your children is your responsibility… from kindergarten to 12th grade! But there are many school board standards, as well as a cultural change, that have taken place over the past few decades.