Is Your “Poker Face” Costing You BIG?!
Even if you don’t gamble, you probably know what having a “poker face” means…and no matter what you do or who you do it with, mastering this particular ability can pay-off BIG in every area of your life!
God WANTS you to prosper. It says it right in Deuteronomy 28:63… “It pleases the Lord to make you prosper.”
So how many of us have heard the
God did not design you to live in poverty. In fact, it’s not in God’s design for any of His people to live in poverty.
“That is a lie from the pit of hell! God did not design you to live in poverty. In fact, it’s not in God’s design for any of His people to live in poverty.”
Unfortunately, we hear two main narratives about money: One side advocates “getting more, more, more, MORE… now, now, now, NOW!” The other side says “Oh no! Be careful. Just look at that huge house or fancy Lexus. They’re all just caught up in greed. God have mercy on their soul.”
So, do you have a strong desire to make a whole stinking lot of money? There’s a huge reason for that. It’s not an accident. It’s important to look at what God says about the financial Kingdom and accumulation of wealth. Don’t simply take the world’s word on it, because it will get twisted. Instead, always go to GOD’S word on this topic:
So let me share what I’ve learned about money and prosperity – straight from the Word of God. Yep, all right from the Bible. Which, by the way, is THE greatest success book ever written!
I’ve searched every single scripture about living in poverty… and every single scripture about wealth. And after extensive research, I’ve boiled down all those teachings to two main formulas: a formula for poverty and a formula for wealth. So today, in Part I, let’s break down the choices guaranteed to lead you to poverty in God’s financial kingdom.
Now, the big question everyone has: CAN you be wealthy without being greedy? YES! Greed does not involve an “amount.” A wealthy person is NOT inherently greedy. They could live on 10% of their income and give away the other 90%. Likewise, a person with less resources can be stingy and greedy and ungracious with their money.
“Now, the big question everyone has: Can you be wealthy without being greedy? YES. Greed does not involve an amount.”
And both extremes exist in the financial kingdom: the impoverished and the wealthy. And the Bible very clearly says, He shows favoritism to no one. God has not shown favoritism to the wealthy. They aren’t just “blessed like that.” Everyone is on an equal playing field, and God wants to prosper you.
Which means, YOUR financial success boils down to your choices. So check out the choices that WILL lead you to poverty:
Proverbs 28:19 tells us, “He who works will have abundant food…” And here’s another scripture I love: “How long will you lie there you sluggard.” That’s from Proverbs 6:9. If you’re lazy and work half-heartedly for yourself or your boss, you literally INVITE poverty into your life. There is no magic formula to make blessings fall out of the sky. Wealth requires work!
According to Proverbs, fools, drunkards, gluttons and wasteful people will go poor: says “A man of perverse thought will not prosper” (Proverbs 17:20) and Proverbs 21:17 reinforces this, “He who loves pleasure becomes poor.” And Proverbs 17:16 gives us the real kicker – “Of what use is money in the hand of a fool since he has no desire to get wisdom.” WOW… think about that. A man of perverse thought is one who distorts the truth. A fool. He doesn’t take God at His Word and doesn’t desire God’s wisdom. He does not seek to honor and please God with his wealth, but would rather spend every penny seeking instant pleasure.
“He does not seek to please God with his wealth, but would rather spend every penny he has seeking instant pleasure.”
During times of prosperity, God wants the glory. He wants His people to bless Him. God lavishes His children with great prosperity to turn their hearts toward Him… and those who DON’T suffer the consequences: “Because you did not serve the Lord your God joyfully and gladly in the time of prosperity, therefore in hunger and in thirst, in nakedness and dire poverty, you will serve the enemies that the Lord sends against you.” (Deuteronomy 28:47-48) Bottom line, exalt Him rather than thinking so highly of yourself.
Going back to Proverbs, we learn “He who hides sin has poverty waiting for him.” Listen! You don’t want to keep hiding all that junk inside you. You want – and need – God to shine a light on it and bring it all out in the open. This creates an opportunity to repent and ask His forgiveness. The change He makes inside of you leads you to prosperity.
I Timothy 6:10 says, “For the love of money is the root of all evil.” NOT money itself, but the love of money. How do you know if you love money? If it never satisfies you. If you feel a deep gaping hole that never seems fulfilled, there’s a spirit of idolatry. You’re worshiping an idol… instead of Almighty God, Himself.
God’s NUMBER ONE commandment is to love Him – above all else. You should love Him with all your heart, mind and being. Truthfully, “No one can serve two masters, either he will hate one and love the other or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other.” (Matthew 6:24) If you love and desire money ABOVE your God, above your wife, above your kids, poverty WILL come knocking! Seek first HIS kingdom, then everything else will be ADDED.
“A stingy man is eager to get rich and is unaware that poverty awaits him.” (Proverbs 28:22) Don’t misunderstand this one, because there IS a difference between “stingy” and “frugal.” Stingy means you selfishly hoard your money – out of greed and fear. You worry you won’t have enough, so you never give any to those in need. Frugal means you spend your money wisely.
In Matthew 25, you’ll find a familiar parable about three servants who are given “talents” by their master. The first two servants invest their talents, causing them to multiply. They return to their master with more than he gave them, and he exalted them in his household.
But the third servant was afraid to lose his master’s money, so he hid it by burying it in the ground. The master called him wicked, and cast him out with “weeping and gnashing of teeth.” See, in his fear, this servant showed a lack of faith and had everything taken from him.
Proverbs 28:25 says, “A greedy man stirs up dissension, but he who trusts in the Lord will prosper.” See, if you’re stingy, greedy and hold your money in an iron grip, then you’re afraid. You lack faith. The Word says, trust in Him and He will take care of you.
And, at the heart of this path to poverty, is the failure of His people to walk in His truth. These seven attitudes and behaviors remove God from His rightful place in your life. Think about your own children, if you have them. Do you want to bless your children? Do you desire to give bountiful gifts to your children?
How much more does your daddy in Heaven – who is perfect, unfailing in His love for you – desire to prosper you? But just as you wouldn’t lavish gifts on your children, when they act like selfish, spoiled brats, God certainly won’t prosper you if you walk in disobedience.
God wants to see His people set free. He wants to see His people freed from financial bondage. God rules this far-reaching financial kingdom, and it’s designed to fulfill His purposes. Unfortunately, even a lot of churches get this stuff wrong.
“God wants to see His people set free. He wants to see his people freed from financial bondage.”
And this is just one small piece of what God has to say about His people succeeding in the marketplace and building wealth. Today we looked at the steps leading to poverty in God’s financial kingdom. In part II, we guide you, step-by-step, on how to establish wealth in God’s financial kingdom.
So if you know someone living in bondage to those false teachings about greed and wealth, then PLEASE share this message with them! Connect with us on Facebook and let us know your experiences with God’s teachings on money.
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Even if you don’t gamble, you probably know what having a “poker face” means…and no matter what you do or who you do it with, mastering this particular ability can pay-off BIG in every area of your life!
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