Invest In Your Work To Gain In Your Pay
Have you ever thought, “I don’t want to go to work today!”… “Gosh, I hate my job/boss.”
There are a lot of ideas floating around out there about becoming a leader, and “leadership trainings” can be found everywhere you look. Being a leader yourself is one thing… but that will only get you so far!
The truth is, success does not result from individual ideas or efforts. Success, in a company or a family, requires leadership that develops other leaders.
What comes to mind when you hear the word “leadership”? If you’re like most people, you think of the head honcho, the managers, the top executives, the man of the house, the people in control.
But in reality, you can position yourself as a leader regardless of your job or title. If you’ve been around me for any length of time, you’ve probably heard me say, it’s never your circumstances determining your success in life, but rather how you deal with those circumstances. In the same way, it’s never your position that defines your leadership; it’s how you choose to LEAD in your position.
If you do not develop your leadership skills, you will not reach higher levels in your company and you will not experience bigger successes.
So, how can you develop your own leadership skills and become a leader, right where you are?
While you are working on yourself, and improving your own leadership skills, it is important for you to also focus on creating leaders. It’s not just about getting yourself to the top; it’s about creating leaders throughout the organization, from the top executives all the way down.
My friend, it takes highly-developed levels of leadership, communication and people skills to actually create leaders.
So today, focus on getting results and helping others get results, as well. Ask yourself, “Who can I help to succeed?” When you make that your focus, you will create a team of powerful leaders in no time!
Right now, I want you to evaluate your leadership by answering the following questions:
I know we covered a lot of ground today, but this is going to help you create an unstoppable team of leaders.
If you want to get your entire team on the same page, working to become exceptional leaders who increase bottom-line profits, raise company morale and bring harmony into the workplace, THIS would be a great place to start!
You’ll also want to go ahead and forward this message to the rest of your team. Imagine if each person in your company could read this themselves and implement these leadership strategies. Just imagine how it might change your work environment! And don’t be surprised if this earns you a raise, to boot. I would love to hear your results, so please leave me your comments below!
And please remember to join me today for The Dani Johnson Show to gain more insights and inspiration for your life! You can find the show on your TV and radio and please remember you can always stream today’s show right here on our website.
In great faith,
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Have you ever thought, “I don’t want to go to work today!”… “Gosh, I hate my job/boss.”
If you currently work in an unpaid “job” that takes time and focus away from your other priorities, you need to QUIT! When do you have time for YOU? No wonder you don’t have time to pursue your dreams!
Over two decades, Hans & I have made – and LOST – a lot of money, REPEATEDLY facing horrific financial situations. Then we FINALLY decided to obey the laws of financial responsibility…and look what happened!