Skills Form The Rungs On Your Ladder To Success
It’s the Law of Value: The marketplace pays for value, and the only thing that determines your value are your skill sets.
I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, “Success is a journey, not a destination” and it’s really true. One important stop along that journey is finding out what success really means to YOU. Many people follow the textbook definitions our world has sold them about what success is supposed to be or look like, until they actually stop and think, “Is this even want I want for my life?”
Everyone’s definition of what success looks like is different! And maybe you’ve been on this journey and never stopped to think about success means or looks like for you, but you just KNOW there is more to life than what you’re doing now. And that is what today’s message is all about. Last week, I spoke with one of our clients, Brad Harmsworth, on The Dani Johnson Show.
You see, at one point in his life Brad appeared to “have it all.” He had the nice car, a six-figure income, a great house, a high-power, secure job – but he absolutely hated it. He had no hopes or dreams, was divorced and planned to commit suicide. Brad had already figured out the how and when and planned to deliver a suicide note to his family at Christmas.
Isn’t that heartbreaking? From the outside, his life looked like a success, but on the inside Brad had no purpose. “It was September of 2011 and my brother dragged me out to a First Steps To Success. My family had been going [to events] for maybe 6 months and I figured they’d joined some cult, you know? But I had nowhere else to go. I already knew I was going to be dead, so what was the worst that could happen?”
What Brad found was an experience he never expected. For most of his life he’d felt worthless and hopeless. Yet, somehow he connected with a group of people who accepted and believed in him. That was three and a half years ago!
Since then he’s paid off $280K in debt, met and married the woman of his dreams and began to love his job! His job performance increased so much, he went from stagnant growth to promotions and raises. All from finding an actual purpose for his life and realizing all the fancy cars and debt weren’t what he truly wanted in his life.
Brad’s story is not so different from many Americans out there chasing “The American Dream.” Too many of us are sold a vision of how our life should go and we chase after that idea of success. But if you don’t want that type of life, it will leave you feeling empty. Just like it did Brad.
Today, I want you to think about what success looks like for you. Instead of trying to put on the appearance of success, begin chasing a dream of success that is something you actually want. I hope Brad’s story inspired you today, like it inspires me every time I talk to him! Leave your comments for me below and please share this great story with your friends and family, who might be struggling to find more in life.
If you’re looking for more skill sets and tips to succeed, make sure to listen in to The Dani Johnson Show bright and early at 7 am, or on demand at your own convenience! You can tune in to the show on either your TV or radio and please remember you can always stream today’s show right here on our website.
In great faith,
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It’s the Law of Value: The marketplace pays for value, and the only thing that determines your value are your skill sets.
Have you noticed in today’s society people take a “look the part” outlook, even though they don’t make millions? They spend money they don’t have on brand names, cars or jewelry, just to try to fit that picture of success?
I bet you’ve heard the term, “practice makes perfect.” And indeed, repetition is the mother of skill; you and I both know you don’t become a master of something overnight!