One Simple Strategy To Become Unusually Successful
You can make this one strategic, extremely wise, move guaranteed to make you unusually successful…yet most people would never consider doing it!
“MOM! DAD! Can I have $20 to buy a new game? Can I have some money to go to the movies with my friends? Will you buy me some candy? Can I have…?? Will you buy…???”
How many times have you heard things like this? Whether you have young kids, teens or maybe even grown children, at some point or another you’ve probably felt like their personal ATM. And the reality is, most parents give in to their kids’ requests.
Today our culture tends to instill an entire generation with a mindset that produces spoiled-rotten kids who think only of themselves. It’s a “give me now” generation. But your children don’t have to be counted among these spoiled-rotten brats. You can turn this situation into something good!
That’s why it’s so refreshing to see parents raising their children to understand the importance of work and how to be wise with money.
Imagine if you had been taught how to make money and to work hard, with a good attitude, when you were young? Life would be so much easier now, wouldn’t it? Or maybe you are one of the few who were taught at an early age. Look how that has impacted your adult life!
I’ll say this: You do not have to raise spoiled brats who say, “Gimme… I want… I need… NOW!” Instead, you can help your children become well-rounded people with a good perspective on life.
All kids have selfish tendencies, but they can be groomed to have an unselfish heart, eager to give, serve and help others. This will prepare them for their future as a spouse, parent, employee or business person.
Your children are watching you, and they will do what you do. Take some time today to think about the example you are setting. How do you spend money? How do you talk about work? Do the words, “I don’t want to go to work today” ever come out of your mouth? What about “I can’t afford it”?
You, as a parent, have an obligation and a moral responsibility to groom your kids for success. Besides, I know you do not want to be the ATM Parent for the rest of your life. You certainly do not want to have a 30-year-old child STILL living in your basement and STILL asking you for cash to go out with their friends.
The bottom line is… kids NEED to learn how to work and to make money. They must learn how to be wise financially, and in every other area of their lives. Your kids are watching you and they will do what they see you do.
Are you setting your children up for a lifetime of financial success? Be the example today, and help your friends, family and community to do the same! Leave me your comments below and please Like and Share today’s post
Let’s keep chatting! Join us this morning for The Dani Johnson Show to get more tips, strategies and skill sets to improve your everyday life. You can find the show on your TV and radio and please remember you can always stream today’s show right here on our website.
In great faith,
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You can make this one strategic, extremely wise, move guaranteed to make you unusually successful…yet most people would never consider doing it!
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