Kick Your Insecurities In The Teeth!
It’s so important to identify your insecurities, in advance, so when they arise you know how to deal with them. Do not run and hide from your insecurities – it’s time to attack them head-on!
I want to share a powerful quote with you today, and man, do I wish I had heard it YEARS ago! “I looked on child rearing not only as a work of love and duty, but as a profession that was fully as interesting and challenging as any honorable profession in the world and one that demanded the best that I could bring to it.” ~ Rose Kennedy
I absolutely love that quote! Because here’s the thing, parenting is a full-time job. And definitely one of the most important ones! Yet, it is so overlooked!
Let me share a story with you from my past. Growing up, I always knew I wanted to be a mother. Hey, I have 5! It was a small tribe in my home. But for the first few years I worked so much, other people were raising my kids. Now, let’s fast-forward a bit.
After years of working at my business, in 1999 I was diagnosed with a heart condition and my doctor told me I could not work anymore, forcing me to retire. And then I realized my identity was completely tied to my work. My ego, my full sense of self, was completely tied to my earning abilities and my businesses. And here I was, forced to retire because of a heart condition, arising mainly from the mountain of stress I lived under.
So now I had to transition into full-time motherhood. I was the nanny, the cook, the housekeeper, the gardener. At the time, we were living in a huge house with a pool, tennis court and elaborate landscaping. All of a sudden, I had to learn how to serve! Before long I reached a place where I begrudgingly cooked dinner, cleaned all those rooms and did EVERYONE’s laundry. I became resentful and upset.
It was such a struggle to change my mindset and adjust to this place where being a mom was now my full-time job. I went from the world revolving around me, to having to train myself to become a servant… and have a good attitude about it.
You know, Rose Kennedy treated parenting like a profession which echoes exactly where I gained most of my parenting skills. All those years I spent building businesses, going to seminars, learning conflict resolution or grooming employees – I used all that knowledge to raise my kids!
I began to treat my household and my children as a new professional venture! And the first place I started was taking those people skills, time management techniques and an understanding of different personality types, and applying them in how I raised my “tribe.”
As a result, I gained awareness and the belief a household should never have a life that revolves around your children. This leads to them growing up with the idea the whole world revolves around them, with everyone there to serve them! When you let them get away with tantrums, manipulating you and you sacrifice your time to heed their schedule, you are teaching them exactly that! If you look at your household like a small business – complete with conflicts, budgets, goals and accomplishments – then you can help your children realize the same success you enjoyed in the “professional” world.
I want you to think today about whether you have a vision and awareness for the life you want, and applying the same management skills you’ve learned, to the most important job you could have… as a parent. Or, are you building your world and your identity fully around their whims, wants and schedules? It is so important to have your own life and time, to exercise your “management” controls!
I hope today’s message gave you something to think about. Please don’t forget to Like and Share it with your friends and family members!
In great faith,
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It’s so important to identify your insecurities, in advance, so when they arise you know how to deal with them. Do not run and hide from your insecurities – it’s time to attack them head-on!
In case you missed all the reminders, Valentine’s Day is this weekend and consumers are expected to spend an average of about $116 per person.
When forming a new habit, it has to become second nature…and it DOESN’T happen overnight. But, when you make a solid decision and follow it with action, you WILL succeed!