Is Your Social Media Hurting Your Bottom Line?
Today, let’s talk about people and money. Believe it or not, they are heavily related to social media…
Your past does not determine your future. At least, it doesn’t have to. That applies to your financial past and financial future, as well.
Just because you’ve been broke, under crushing debt, suffocating under the pressure of your financial problems… just because your past looks like that, it doesn’t mean your future has to.
Regardless of the decisions or choices you made, how much debt you were (or are) in, whether for years (or even decades) you’ve been living paycheck-to-paycheck, no matter how many times you’ve been flat broke… it DOES NOT what your past looks like – your future can be different!
Consider my friend and client, Dianne McGuigan. This precious woman is a single mother of 3. A few years ago, she was completely broke. So broke, in fact, she couldn’t even put food on the table for her three teenage children. Her family was being taken care of by the church food pantry. Dianne was completely stressed out, depressed and could not see a light at the end of her tunnel.
Then, she found a way to get to First Steps To Success, because she knew something needed to change for her family. With the skills she learned at First Steps To Success, Dianne started a business that allowed her to generate 6 figures within 6 months and then went on to make $249K in 12 months. She has paid off $110,000 of debt in just over 9 months, just by using our “War On Debt” system.
Wouldn’t you agree Dianne’s financial future is way different from her financial past?!
Dianne made a choice. She made different decisions, which brought her a different outcome.
I have a horrible financial past! I was homeless, $35,000 in debt with only $2.03 to my name! I was literally living in my car, on a beach and showering in public places. I had no address. I had no money. I had nothing! THAT is my financial past!
Even more, I have made some huge, terrible, disgusting financial mistakes! I made millions and spent it all…multiple times! Horrible decisions!!!
But thank GOD, my financial past is not my financial future… or my family’s financial future!
It’s not too late for you to make different decisions for your future. It’s never too late, no matter how long you have struggled. I don’t care if you’re 80, 90, 100 years old! It is NOT too late! All it takes is a decision.
If Dianne had not made the decisions she made, she would still be in the same position, or worse!
I want you to imagine what your life will look like in 5-10-20 years from now, if you continue making the same type of financial decisions you’re currently making. Do you want your future to look exactly like your past? Are you happy with that lifestyle? When you look at your bank account, are you happy? When you see the amount of debt you have, are you comfortable?
If not, that’s okay… no shame. But today you can make a decision to come out of that financial struggle and hardship. Do what Dianne did, and get yourself “War On Debt” – a system that has helped thousands of people pay off millions of dollars of debt, as well as increase their savings, make wise investments and secure their financial future.
I’m sharing this today, because I truly care about your financial future. If you are ready to leave your financial past behind and step into the future you were meant to have, it all starts with a decision. You can make this change, and I’m here to help you. Please let me know your thoughts below!
Who do you know who needs to hear this message today? Who do you live with or work with in need of some hope for their finances today? Take two minutes to forward this message to them or share it with your social media network.
And remember to tune in for The Dani Johnson Show today for more wisdom, tips and strategies to improve your life! You can find the show on your TV and radio and please remember you can always stream today’s show right here on our website.
In great faith,
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Today, let’s talk about people and money. Believe it or not, they are heavily related to social media…
Don’t be that person – who STILL beats yourself up over a bad decision years ago – living in total regret and fearing yet ANOTHER mistake. You CANNOT live like that!
Tax day is quickly approaching and everywhere you look, people are fighting over your “extra” money to get you to spend it with tax season sales, specials and in-your-face excuses trying to coax that money out of your hand.