Is Facebook Replacing Face-To-Face Friendships?
Cultivate relationships with people who will be there for you, to celebrate the good times and to lend a hand during bad times.
Let’s be honest – a lot of uncertainty surrounds the job market today. We may not hear as much about it in the media, but regardless, millions of people are unemployed, underemployed or worry every day about lay-offs. However, in the midst of all this, some people are getting promotions, huge raises and nice fat bonuses.
You’re probably thinking, “Well, good for them. But they must work in some kind of special industry or have a totally secure company or job. But my company is laying-off people left and right, and I’ll probably be next…”
You have to understand, some of those who are getting raises and bonuses right now, are in the same companies as others who are worried about losing their jobs!
In fact, Paul Wessling is one of those people. His company was in the middle of laying-off employees with 25 years’ seniority… but not Paul! They actually CREATED a brand new position for Paul, where he is now able to make his own hours in his job.
What did Paul know, those laid-off 25-year employees didn’t know? He knew how important it was to keep growing and advancing his skills. Paul protected himself from layoffs by making himself indispensable to his company.
So, what makes you indispensable? How do you become the employee who gets promotions and bonuses, instead of getting laid-off?
Let me connect the dots. You don’t get paid for just showing up every day. You get paid for the VALUE you bring into your company every day. When you raise your value, this makes your employer want to continue paying you… and even give you raises and bonuses! When you raise your value, you become indispensable.
There is no need to fear lay-offs. There is no need to worry about your next employee evaluation. There’s no need to stress about what’s coming with the next economic shift. It’s time for you to take control of your career, your finances and your future.
If you are ready to become a success story, like Paul, then take the two strategies I gave you today and apply them immediately. And there are countless other stories, from people who have done exactly the same thing.
And you’re next! YOU can be getting raises and promotions, instead of living in fear about the future of your career. YOU will be the one succeeding wildly, while others around you watch and wonder how you did it.
My friend, I’m sure you know others who may be struggling in their jobs or businesses right now. Freely you have received this information today, so please, freely give it away. Forward this to your friends, family and coworkers, then share this post on Facebook and Twitter. I know together, you and I, can help a lot of people with this today and I look forward to reading your comments below!
And don’t forget to join me for The Dani Johnson Show today, when we share even more of my personally-selected tips and strategies to help you build a strong foundation for your success! You can find the show on your TV and radio and please remember you can always stream today’s show right here on our website.
In great faith,
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Cultivate relationships with people who will be there for you, to celebrate the good times and to lend a hand during bad times.
You could have a world-renowned author or teacher or engineer in your household. Sure, sometimes they might seem like real brats – c’mon, let’s be honest! – but these kids will lead the world in the near future!
How do you get a huge, passionate vision worth living for? Set a goal, make a plan and take the necessary steps to make it happen…it can’t be some pie-in-the-sky idea just floating around out there!