Forge Your Own Path To Real Leadership
If you are a person of influence (and you are… even if you didn’t realize it), one of your most important skill sets is your leadership. And, guess what – it doesn’t even matter if you have the “leader” title!
I have a short, simple message for you today… but this is so important for us to discuss.
As we approach the New Year, a lot of people give up on the goals they set-out to complete last January. We tend to kick ourselves, saying, “Darn, I let another year go by.” NOBODY feels good with a pile of unfinished things lying around!
So, let me share how to NOT feel this way. It’s time to start checking some things off that list – RIGHT NOW. Even if you ONLY complete a couple of things on your list, it’ll boost your confidence and put you a step ahead, when 2017 arrives.
The year isn’t over YET! So why are people already giving up? By now, you may know I started my business 26 years ago, at this specific time of year. Yep – at this exact same point on the calendar – with only $2.03 to my name, I started a business out of the trunk of my car and a phone booth as my “office!” If I had “waited for the holidays to be over,” I may have missed my opportunity! And, every day I thank God I didn’t just “wait for the New Year” to decide to pull my life together.
One easy thing you can do to increase your productivity and morale – in your personal or business life – is to dig out your list of resolutions for this year.
Pick a few (or even just one) you can realistically finish before the end of the year… and DO THEM, now! You still have several weeks! If you’ve needed to put a second coat of paint on the bathroom walls for the past 8 months – come on, that takes half a day to complete! BAM – one thing off your list!
Productivity absolutely cures procrastination and laziness. After you knock a few things off your list, you’ve got the ball rolling! You’re already ahead! Completing these tasks, no matter how simple, may just be the momentum you need.
You do NOT have to wait until the New Year, to gain momentum and get things done! Imagine going into 2017 with confidence and momentum, instead of beginning it feeling defeated… just because you let another year go by, without accomplishing any of your resolutions! Imagine how you will feel in a few weeks, stepping into a shiny New Year, knowing you can – and will – accomplish your goals! It’s an amazing feeling!
I’d love to know the top things on your “to-do” list for the rest of 2016! What WILL you accomplish before January 1st? Let me know below!
And don’t forget to join us today for The Dani Johnson Show, to gain more insights for your everyday life. You can find the show on your TV and radio or stream today’s show, right here on our website.
Looking to connect even MORE? Then please subscribe to our YouTube channel to keep up with new messages just for you, posted daily!
In great faith,
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If you are a person of influence (and you are… even if you didn’t realize it), one of your most important skill sets is your leadership. And, guess what – it doesn’t even matter if you have the “leader” title!
A lot of people SAY they want success, SAY they want to lose weight, make more money, get a better job. But they REALLY just want to have a “pity party” and enjoy blaming everyone else for their state of life!
We’ve all heard the phrase “dress for success” and even science says it’s true! You either present yourself as a careless slob, or someone with self-discipline and a high self-image…basically, LOOK better, FEEL better, PERFORM better!