Dare To Spend Differently
If you don’t have your own financial vision, it gets sucked into someone else’s financial vision society has sold you. Money is always looking for a place to go.
Sometimes we all just need a little bit of encouragement and inspiration. You need to know what you’re trying to do is actually possible. We need to know we’re not crazy, just for wanting to change our lives.
I’m thrilled to introduce you to Tim & Jamie Schultz, two of our amazing, faithful clients. I could tell you their story, but I really want you to hear it directly from them, simply because their words are so powerful.
Just hearing stories from people who have been where you are right now – and overcame the same issues you have – fills a basic human emotional need – hope. It’s important to hear stories from those who have been there, done that and have succeeded… in spite of their circumstances!
You may say, “Well, that’s good for them, but what about me? What does THEIR story have to do with ME?!”
My friend, you’re about to hear the story of a couple who struggled financially, were way over their heads in debt, and struggling in business. Their financial problems brought all kinds of additional issues into their marriage – gossip, stress, pressure, pornography addiction – eventually leading to a separation.
But their story doesn’t end there! And no matter what you face today, your story doesn’t end here, either.
You’re going to be shocked when you hear the rest of Tim & Jamie’s story. And not only that, but you will be inspired and encouraged to keep going… to continue creating the rest of your story.
As you watch this video, I want you to say to yourself, “If THEY can do it, so can I!”
If this gave you a boost of hope or motivated you, please remember to share this with someone who could use a “shot in the arm” today. You can also have a wider positive influence by posting this on social media, then let me know your thoughts on this amazing story in the comments below.
And don’t forget to join me for The Dani Johnson Show today, when we share even more of my personally-selected tips and strategies to help you build a strong foundation for your success! You can find the show on your TV and radio and please remember you can always stream today’s show right here on our website.
In great faith,
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If you don’t have your own financial vision, it gets sucked into someone else’s financial vision society has sold you. Money is always looking for a place to go.
Years ago, I would see those depressing commercials for orphaned children. They open with a sappy song and just show a scrawny-legged, filth-covered child with a sad look on his or her little face. And… you’re already changing the channel, right?
We’ve ALL had “those” people in our life…and know, all-too-well, how thoroughly frustrating it can be. But, good news – you DON’T have to figure out how to navigate those “challenging” relationships all by yourself!