Miracles: They’re Not Just Bible Stories Today!
When God’s Chosen People and prophets walked the earth, this was a time of miracles. It’s not like that kind of stuff can happen today! Or, can and do miracles occur every day?
Today, let’s talk about money. What do you do when you get an unexpected chunk of money? Maybe it’s a bonus, or a raise. It could even be an inheritance or a gift. What do you do with that money?
For some people, it can seem like a huge relief. You finally have some extra cash, you’re not drowning anymore. For others, it may look like a free shopping spree.
But today, I want to share with you the BEST thing to with some extra cash in our pockets… as well as some traps to avoid.
See, we (and I’m not just talking about Americans, here) live in a “microwave” society, where we do what we want, when we want, just because we can, without a thought to our financial future. And where has that gotten us? We have traded our financial freedom for more stuff, more debt and more bondage.
We fall into the trap of “more-more-more,” until we find ourselves buried alive in debt. So many people are under constant financial strain, and yet, we’re more concerned with our “stuff” than our long-term financial future!
But here’s what I know about you: You are not called to be one of those people. You were designed for wealth and freedom. How do I know that? Because you’re here right now, reading this. Because you have a desire to succeed financially. You have a desire to see your children, your friends and your community live debt-free, lives of total financial-independence.
Right now you’re saying, “Okay Dani, so what does this have to do with my money?”
One rule has proven to be true time and again – and it holds true here. Find out what everyone else is doing and do the exact opposite. You may have heard me say this before: 98% of the population will end up dead or dead-broke by the age of 65, dependent on their friends, family or the federal government as their main source of income. Where, on the other hand, 2% will be doing well financially.
Nothing can replace the feeling of financial freedom, but sadly, 98% of the population will never know that feeling. The majority of people just wait to win the lottery or to get their next bonus or raise, but the moment they have it, it’s gone!
So what can YOU do, to cross over from the 98% to the 2%? Start here:
It seems “if it feels good, do it” has become the “acceptable” standard today. But it’s time to move beyond that! It’s time to raise the benchmark, if we want to become part of that minuscule group who will succeed financially in today’s world.
So, you have a choice to make today. Which side of this story will you be on? Will you be one of the “98%-ers” who will never know the feeling of financial independence? Or will you step-up and make wise decisions, to set you up for long-term financial success? It’s up to you!
Listen, we both know our world is hurting today. Millions of people struggle financially, and a lot of them put their hope in credit cards, a holiday bonus or even the lottery. But the message in your hands right now has the potential to help them to think beyond any of that! I know this can help them to cross over into that group who are living in financial freedom.
So let’s pass this around to as many people as we can. Email this to them, post this link on Facebook and Twitter, and even print it out and pass it along to your friends, family, coworkers and clients. Together, we can help people emerge from their financial struggle and into financial independence.
I would love to know what you think about The Daily Fix today. Leave me your comments below!
Then remember to join us today for The Dani Johnson Show, to gain more insights for your everyday life. You can find the show on your TV and radio or stream today’s show, right here on our website.
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In great faith,
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When God’s Chosen People and prophets walked the earth, this was a time of miracles. It’s not like that kind of stuff can happen today! Or, can and do miracles occur every day?
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