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Today, I want to help you get there without breaking your bank…
What a WEEK! With all the monumental things that took place, this was certainly a week to remember!
And, I’m not saying this just because I was on the “Steve Harvey” show…
Now don’t get me wrong, it was such an incredible experience, and I am so humbled and truly amazed to have the opportunity to be a part of something so moving.
But c’mon, if you saw the show, you heard part of my story… I was NOT born into the perfect family and I was NOT handed anything in life. In fact, quite the opposite… abuse, teenage pregnancy, manipulated into giving up my first baby for adoption. Honestly, I’ve faced everything from serious, life-threatening health issues, to making piles of money and then losing it ALL, to having my business embezzled from – more than once… and SO much more.
Which is why it positively BLOWS my mind every time I look at what my Father in heaven has done in my life and allows us to do every day!
But, three things really stood out for me, so let me take a few minutes to share them with you:
1. There was so much TRUTH spoken… on, of all places, national TV! Do you realize how RARE it is to have someone like Steve Harvey – with his level of influence – speak so much truth, so freely?! Then, to actually encourage others to speak truth, as well?
Check out these clips…
2. Our community – no, family – rallied together to encourage other viewers of the “Steve Harvey” show. See, this phenomenal group of people doesn’t just care about themselves… they encourage and inspire each other and everyone they come into contact with!
Everyone needs this, with all in the hurt in our world. Every day, people around you – your family, your friends, your community – NEED your encouragement. They NEED to hear your story! They need HOPE!
And so many amazing people shared their truth on Facebook, in response to the show. So I couldn’t resist grabbing a few screenshots, because every single comment just astounded me!
3. After the show, a LOT of people physically sat down with their family, friends or coworkers for an honest debriefing session. Some of our team actually did this, too!
You’re thinking, “That’s no big deal!” But this can be so valuable, because you and someone else can watch the same TV show or movie, yet you each come away with something completely different. We each bring different experiences and perspectives to any situation. So when you view something differently and learn from it, you may be encouraged or inspired by this new outlook.
So, immediately following the show on Thursday, our team took a few minutes to talk about what they learned or touched them the most.
Take a look…
My friend, it truly blesses me to have you as a part of this community. If you watched the show, or shared it on social media, THANK YOU! You’re the kind of person this world needs! You’re not just living your life for yourself, but spreading good news and using your influence to give hope and inspiration to a suffering world.
I am forever grateful you are stepping up and doing what we all should: helping others out of their pit, out of their “negativity” dungeons, and shining a spotlight on what IS possible… even in the most impossible circumstances. ANYTHING is possible, and you truly CAN rise up from nothing.
And while spreading all this hope, please KNOW what you hand out, will come back around to you… with interest!
We all know people who are hurting financially or in their relationships… we all know marriages in turmoil… we all know people who so desperately need hope and encouragement. So PLEASE take a few minutes to pass this along. You never know who needs this inspiration! Did you see the show? What stood out? Did you learn anything? I want to know your thoughts, so please share them with me below!
I so look forward to seeing YOUR story spreading all over the world one day. I believe in you and am so glad to have you as a part of the family!
In great faith,
Today, I want to help you get there without breaking your bank…
What does depression look like for you? You can’t concentrate at work, you’re exhausted, feeling hopeless, empty or alone? A lot of people suffer from depression, but it is rarely acknowledged or treated.
Let this Labor Day be a day of recognition for EVERY side of labor. Today, everyone needs to remember, if ANYBODY has ever labored for you in ANY way, this is the day to say, “Thank you!”