Fall Out Of Sluggish Habits
As a business consultant, I see people looking to the outside to figure out why things aren’t working right on the inside. But success in business is an “inside job.”
It never ceases to amaze me how so many people can overlook the most simple bits of knowledge! The things you and I assume are “common knowledge” required for success – whether in our business, our relationships or our personal development – others go through life without ever learning.
This came to my attention once again, after Inc. ran a story in their magazine and online, titled “10 Things Extraordinary People Say Every Day” and looking at the list, I fully agree with every phrase… along with adding a few of my own. But what truly struck me, was the fact this was even newsworthy!
Then it occurred to me, WOW 98% of the people out there really DON’T know these basic things! What should be common knowledge, really isn’t very common today!
These “little things” can make a HUGE difference in the level of success you achieve, in every area of your life. While the Inc. list is primarily geared toward business readers – because the assumption is, “business” would the only place where success either counts or can be measured – I suggest you aim for success in EVERY area of your life!
After all, how meaningful would your business success be… if your marriage or family were in shambles? If you had no friends? If you couldn’t find personal peace and happiness? If you had untold riches but an incurable illness? If you had no sense of purpose or goals outside of simply making more money?
See what I mean?! Without this “balance” of success, the other parts can lose their luster and meaning. But, to achieve this well-rounded, fulfilling life, you can’t overlook the “little things!”
And, the phrases this “10 Things” article suggests separate extraordinary individuals from, well, everyone else, are:
I would suggest a few more, like “Please” and “Thank you” along with “What I heard you say is…” and several others designed to open up lines of communication, minimize misunderstandings and solidify relationships.
Most importantly, you should never miss the chance to express how valuable those in your life – at work, at home, in the community – are to you! Let them know with your words, because everyone needs to not only see the actions, but sometimes we just need to hear those words.
Using these simple phrases can build bridges and lead to really BIG things! And, if you know someone who hasn’t picked up on these “common knowledge” lessons, you can share some of YOUR secrets with them!
What words mean the most to you… and who do you like to hear say them? Please share in the comments below!
Then join me for The Dani Johnson Show today, when we discuss even more of my personally-selected tips and strategies to kick your success into high-gear! You can find the show on your TV and radio and you can always stream today’s show right here on our website. And don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel to keep up with new messages being posted daily!
In great faith,
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As a business consultant, I see people looking to the outside to figure out why things aren’t working right on the inside. But success in business is an “inside job.”
Find out how you could be denying yourself the opportunity to see all your dreams come true.
Have you made excuses for your debt? You find something reasonable – even justifiable – to charge. So instead of seeking options, you make the easy choice…easy because society views it as “just part of life!”