Are you totally committed to the important things in your life? There’s a really quick test to find out if you are. (I’ll get to that in a minute.)
You see, to succeed in anything – excelling in your business or career, paying off your debt, growing your finances, nurturing your marriage and family, traveling, helping orphans – commitment is required. Success demands commitment. Without commitment, you will never succeed.
When you’re not committed, it shows. Frequently, people fail to commit to their business. Sure, they might be committed for a little while, but the second they run into trouble, they quit.
Others have a dream to feed orphans or supply clean water in Third World countries, yet months go by and they fail to give either their time and money… or even spread a message about those needs.
A lot of people say they want to do something, but more often than not, they just don’t do what they say they will.
Here’s a quick test to determine whether or not you are committed: Do you complain? Yep… that’s it! Complaining shows you’re not committed. It shows you aren’t “all in.”
Truthfully, if you’re not “all in’” to succeed in your business, people around you know it – especially your prospects, customers and coworkers. So think about it… why in the world would anyone follow you, if they know you’re not committed? They won’t, because they know you will eventually quit.
If you are not committed to your marriage, chances are, you complain a LOT about your spouse. And complaining about your spouse, shows you have already taken a step – in the wrong direction – toward quitting your marriage.
It’s the same with your kids. When you are fully committed to being the best parent you can possibly be, complaining is not an option. Success is the only option! You need to find solutions to handle challenging times, from toddlers all the way to teens, in everything from doing homework to keeping their rooms clean.
If you’re not committed to your job, you complain about your boss, your coworkers, as well as, the work you have to do. Certainly, that signals a lack of commitment… which will never lead to success!
Where there is no commitment, there is no ownership. Where there is no ownership, there is no success. Period, end of story!
So, when you commit to your business, you’re not complaining about your customers who aren’t buying or your employees, vendors or distributors. You find solutions. You track your results and make improvements. You seek the skills you must learn to succeed. That’s what a committed person does.
But, someone lacking commitment simply complains – until they finally sell themselves on quitting. Do you know complaining is a form of sales? It’s making a case against whatever you said you wanted to succeed in.
You’ve got to stop complaining and start finding solutions. Solutions are all around you, right in front of you. Even here at,we have solutions for everything I just mentioned.
And here’s the thing about solutions: They may cost you money and time. Why? Because if it doesn’t cost you something, it has no value to you. And if it has no value to you, you will not implement those important solutions. But when you put skin in the game and make an investment of your time or money, learning the skills you need to implement solutions to bring you success, NOW you’re “all in!”
I bet you can think of times in your life, when quitting was absolutely not an option. I’m sure you can remember times when you never even allowed your mind to entertain the thought of quitting. You refused to see the downside, because you were so focused on finding solutions!
Bottom line, you will either focus on solutions or focus on complaining. But only one will lead to success in your business, career, family, finances and life. So keep your focus on solutions and shut down those complaints, just waiting to fly out of your mouth.
Imagine if your entire office, all your employees or coworkers, your whole family and every single one of your clients, embraced this concept! Do you see how that could completely change the dynamics of your work environment, your relationships… along with your bank account?
Guess what – it is so simple to get everyone on the same page. In fact, all you have to do is share this message. Just shoot them an email with this link, or share it on Facebook and Twitter. You might even want to print it out and simply hand it to your coworkers, business partners and clients today. You can give them practical steps, with these and other laws of success outlined, for next to nothing in First Steps To Wealth.
If you truly commit to helping your family or organization succeed, you must focus on finding solutions – and I just handed you a solution today. And, please share your thoughts on our facebook page, where we talk about focusing on what you want to flourish.
And, be sure to get Dani “on-the-go” when you subscribe to our YouTube channel, where you can keep up with new messages being posted daily!
In great faith,
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